First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 631.1056 Sissal Skaale Standard+ L DNK U CPS
2 97.04 612.4447 Mikael Jung Standard+ - SWE U jung Växjö PK
3 87.76 553.8597 Pär Hylander Standard- - SWE U hylander Laholms Psk
4 87.63 553.0198 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK A jan63 SSIN / CPS
5 81.91 516.9133 Nicola Lo Presti Standard- - SWE U nixi MSG
6 76.32 481.6537 Jesper Håkansson Standard- S SWE U jpha Kristianstads PK
7 73.39 463.1879 Peter Lundberg Standard- S SWE U astorx MSG
8 69.26 437.0939 Joakim Svensson Standard- - SWE U gadgeten Kristianstads PK
9 68.24 430.6913 Henrik Laursen Standard- - DNK U alphabear SSIN
10 64.48 406.9200 Pia Nordquist Standard- L SWE U MSG
11 63.42 400.2391 Stefan Bengtsson Standard- - SWE U stiffe MSPS
12 56.91 359.1319 Kent Holm Standard- SS DNK U kent1 SSIN
13 56.10 354.0430 Filip Muzinic Standard- - SWE U dykarfilip Kullen Pk
14 55.16 348.1043 Thette Holmberg Standard- L SWE U misspurple Kristianstads PK
15 49.25 310.8161 Johan P Standard- - SWE U cephyr Kristianstads PK
16 48.08 303.4360 Johan Appelkvist Standard- - SWE U appeal Kristianstads PK
17 44.66 281.8513 Jimmy Engström Standard- - SWE U sonofagun Laholm PSK
18 44.65 281.8087 Anders Arvidsson Standard+ S SWE U stangman MSG
19 42.70 269.4793 Peter Norrthon Standard- - SWE U Kullens PK
20 42.39 267.5550 Erik Tunestål Standard- - SWE U tune Bofors Skjutfälts Skyttekår
21 39.72 250.6706 Martin Arildsson Standard- S SWE U Kristianstads PK
22 33.66 212.4093 Robin Persson Standard- - SWE U rp11 Kristianstads PK
23 32.97 208.0692 Markus Lentinen Standard- - SWE U MSPS
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