First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 148.3808 Eirik Johannes Larsen Custom- - NOR U eirikjl NPK
2 99.07 147.0008 Mats Gran Hansen Custom- - NOR U alarion Dssa
3 89.88 133.3618 Ove Toranger Custom- - NOR U smileyface BEP
4 80.49 119.4286 Jonathan Kennedy Custom- S NOR U kellen RPK
5 71.13 105.5505 Svein Helge Hennum Custom- S NOR B hennumen NOP
6 68.69 101.9226 Nils Knut Lindbo Custom- SS NOR U urogallus HPI
7 62.74 93.0876 Morten Melvær-Nielsen Custom- S NOR U sparky65 DSSA
8 60.07 89.1323 Halvor Li Custom- - NOR U NPK
9 55.85 82.8724 Stian Kristoffersen Custom- - NOR U naits HPI
10 54.61 81.0307 Andreas Vågsnes Sælsbråten Custom- - NOR U thumbsup DSSA
11 51.60 76.5607 Ola Sørland Custom- - NOR U BEP
12 44.80 66.4793 Erik Torp Custom- S NOR U eriktor HPI
13 43.10 63.9470 Nils Oddvar Midtun Custom- - NOR U nilso RPK
14 42.38 62.8767 Anders Gunbjornsen Custom- SS NOR U andiz RPK
15 40.11 59.5099 Are Skotnes Custom- - NOR U areskot MDS
16 35.26 52.3201 Heidi Gran Custom- L NOR U DSSA
17 23.40 34.7222 Asle Ellingsgård Custom- - NOR U elling -MDS- Molde Dynamiske Skyttere
18 0.00 0.0000 Jon Richard Røine Custom- - NOR U kokken HPI
19 0.00 0.0000 Cato Brekke Custom- S NOR D cabr HPI
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