First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 164.2610 Geir Kvæl Production- S NOR U gk65 Salten Dynamiske Sportsskyttere
2 93.06 152.8609 Simon Engan Production- - NOR U simonengan SDS
3 77.78 127.7670 Odd Marius Ulvang Production- - NOR U glockhoser Salten Dynamiske Sportsskyttere
4 73.12 120.1158 Brage Dåbakk Production- - NOR U sds
5 65.44 107.4851 Bendik Kalvik Production- - NOR U Salten Dynamiske Sportsskyttere
6 62.43 102.5461 Lars Morten Liseth Production- - NOR U Salten Dynamiske Sportsskyttere
7 52.90 86.8888 Finn Arne Følvik Production- S NOR U Sds
8 51.57 84.7080 Christian Følvik Production- - NOR U charliefox SDS
9 36.34 59.6910 Christian Myhre Production- - NOR U SDS
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