First name
Last name
1 100.00 540.2636 Håkan Wiren Production- S SWE U torgaso Stockholms LVF
2 94.44 510.2021 Vincent Hörnsten Production- - SWE U vikingr SPSF
3 91.72 495.5345 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick Södertörns SK ( SSK )
4 80.68 435.8879 Erik Fjellström Production- - SWE U BallisticS
5 80.38 434.2510 Kristian Abrahamsson Production- - SWE U blixzen Team ONYX
6 79.98 432.1115 Stilianos Simeonidis Production- - SWE U odysseus Stockholms LVF
7 77.46 418.4809 Robin Östman Production- - SWE U wox SPSK
8 76.54 413.5102 Daniel Gulle Production- - SWE U gulle ESs
9 75.26 406.5905 Jimmy Svensson Production- - SWE U 9mm IPSC Örebro
10 75.23 406.4514 Jon Hagstad Production- - SWE U hagge Stockholms LVF
11 75.03 405.3637 F Lindqvist Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
12 73.11 394.9878 jaakko kangasvieri Production- - SWE U jaakko IPSC Örebro
13 72.76 393.0785 Mattias Kneck Production- - SWE U masse VDS
14 71.47 386.1313 Timur Lundholm Production- - SWE U MPS
15 70.52 380.9852 Robin Hellström Production- - SWE U blomman IPSC Smedjan
16 68.48 369.9861 Pelle Borggren Production- - SWE U pobo ECDS
17 65.66 354.7333 Joakim Östby Production- - SWE U ostby228 Uppsala DS
18 63.80 344.6629 Martin Assarsson Production- - SWE U Lövsta skf
19 62.35 336.8637 Joel Svensson Production- - SWE U joels IPSC Örebro
20 61.55 332.5330 Jens Forsgren Production- - SWE U yeren FöUtb
21 60.77 328.3154 Anders Dahlberg Production- S SWE U hungry Edsvalla
22 60.64 327.6416 Erik NotKnown Production- S SWE U scoreman NLT PSK
23 59.67 322.3842 Fredrik Eriksson Ax Production- - SWE U ax89 Livgardets Skytteförening
24 55.67 300.7668 Tomas Källsen Production- - SWE U BallisticS
25 53.61 289.6537 Björn Bylund Production- - SWE U NLT-PSK
26 53.19 287.3862 Pia Lepistö Production- L SWE U pieee TEAM ONYX
27 52.91 285.8350 Adam Sjölin Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan
28 52.73 284.8797 David Lindgren Production- S SWE U dejvid BallisticS
29 52.69 284.6876 Jonas Qvarfordt Production- - SWE U gosta BallisticS
30 52.34 282.7966 Claes Lindblom Production- - SWE U kocken S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
31 51.91 280.4334 Sebastian Waernulf Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
32 51.57 278.6354 Lukas Mattsson Production- - SWE U glader BallisticS
33 51.56 278.5702 Victor Hahn Production- - SWE U arza Ballongbergets SKF
34 50.84 274.6926 Marcus Lindell Production- - SWE U Livgardets skytteförening
35 50.77 274.2984 Ella Olsson Production- L SWE U ella FöUtb
36 50.71 273.9421 Fredrik Degerfeldt Production- - SWE U degen Södertörns SK
37 50.55 273.0856 Mathias Wattenström Production- - SWE U mawa STHLM M&P
38 50.27 271.6112 Maria Bohlin Production- L SWE U Stockholms LVF
39 50.25 271.5082 Reine Oxfält Production- - SWE U oxen Södertörns SK
40 47.56 256.9301 Stefan Thylander Production- - SWE U FöUtb
41 47.38 255.9840 Torbjörn Gebrat Production- S SWE U elperegrino Uppsala DS
42 46.48 251.1367 Olle Sjölin Production- - SWE U BallisticS
43 45.92 248.0986 Thomas Holmström Production- S SWE U Stockholms LVF
44 45.63 246.5166 Robert Breyer Witt Production- - SWE U TSKF
45 45.53 246.0002 Anders Hyltén Production- S SWE U anders FöUtb
46 44.82 242.1516 Fredrik Englund Production- - SWE U
47 43.17 233.2546 Frank Hammar Production- - SWE U FöUtb
48 42.02 227.0065 Anders Modig Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
49 41.49 224.1611 Oscar Holstrup Production- - SWE U ohp S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
50 41.35 223.3804 Alexander Wennholm Production- - SWE U nerd ECDS
51 40.69 219.8144 Lilly Westberg Production- L SWE U
52 39.98 216.0073 Christian Golshani Production- - SWE U goosemale Livgardets Skytteförening
53 39.40 212.8709 Bengt Siverling Production- S SWE U svingaling Ballongberget Skf
54 38.63 208.7069 Daniel Steinhauf Production- - SWE U doc PK Ena
55 38.09 205.7730 Jim Berglund Production- S SWE U yamakomori NLTPSK
56 36.46 196.9960 Per Celander Production- - SWE U percel71 Södertörns SK
57 35.90 193.9786 Mattias Kling Production- S SWE U BallisticS
58 35.78 193.2870 Fredrik von Schmalensée Production- - SWE U schmalensee BallisticS
59 35.63 192.5084 Felix Kling Von Schmalensée Production- J SWE U BallisticS
60 34.76 187.7846 Dejan Vatkovic Production- - SWE U IPSC SMEDJAN
61 34.47 186.2301 Daniel Fili Production- S SWE U BallisticS
62 33.89 183.0772 Lars Löfgren Production- - SWE U FöUtb
63 33.64 181.7629 Per Lahti Production- S SWE U FöUtb
64 33.54 181.2256 Leo Sandström Production- - SWE U leo1111111111111 Stockholms LVF
65 32.71 176.7310 Lars Ishäll Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
66 32.16 173.7512 Ali Salloum Production- - SWE U doktorautomateld S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
67 31.65 170.9729 Christoffer Barbasche Production- - SWE U bschristoffer BallisticS
68 30.53 164.9196 Victoria Nilsson Production- L SWE U FöUtb
69 30.49 164.7198 Maria Fili Production- L SWE U BallisticS
70 30.47 164.6348 Kenneth Stenljung Production- S SWE U BallisticS
71 30.30 163.7019 Barbara Nilsson Production- L SWE U BallisticS
72 29.78 160.8861 Milos Bogdanovic Production- - SWE U IPSC SMEDJAN
73 29.31 158.3301 Peter von Zeipel Production- S SWE U FöUtb
74 28.26 152.6989 Susanne Stålarm Production- L SWE U stalis BallisticS
75 26.86 145.1066 Jimmy Tihvan Production- - SWE U Besk
76 24.50 132.3739 Don Plomo Helin Production- S SWE U donplomo BallisticS
77 22.78 123.0694 Jonas Rende Production- - SWE U jore BallisticS
78 21.77 117.6148 Pontus Wagner Production- - SWE U BallisticS
79 19.19 103.6660 Kenth Petersson Production- - SWE U domino ECDS
80 7.38 39.8825 Henrik Ericson Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
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