First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 400.0000 Frank Sandås Open+ - NOR GM celeritas OKTS
2 75.72 302.8914 Aleksander Stanisic Open+ - NOR U jegern OKTS
3 72.67 290.6630 Anders Martin Pistol Caliber Carbine- S NOR U mrrealtime OKTS
4 61.18 244.7340 Lene Olaug Kråkø Pistol Caliber Carbine- L NOR U diligentia OKTS
5 57.81 231.2287 Dag Erland Sørby Production- - NOR U des OKTS
6 57.58 230.3358 Rolf Meum Pistol Caliber Carbine- SS NOR C spitfire18 SSL
7 52.14 208.5443 Jon Skyttermoen Production Optics- S NOR U skyttis OKTS
8 49.03 196.1080 Stephan Chr. Stabell Production Optics- - NOR U okts
9 48.01 192.0306 Martin Opedal-Singsaas Production Optics- - NOR U tbdmmw OKTS
10 44.73 178.9151 Carl Fredrik Dalseth Production Optics- - NOR U mentagor OKTS
11 44.36 177.4406 Harald Storhaug Olsen Production Optics- - NOR U OKTS
12 36.08 144.3068 Henrik Neegaard Classic- - NOR U neegaard OKTS
13 32.31 129.2255 Geir Arne Sandbakken Production Optics- - NOR U sandbakken OKTS
14 30.87 123.4777 Eystein Myking Production- S NOR U OKTS
15 28.43 113.7115 Helge Nesteby Production- - NOR U OKTS
16 25.06 100.2228 Albert Bolstad Production- S NOR U albolsi OKTS
17 22.55 90.2055 Håkon Fjukstad Production- - NOR U OKTS
18 21.81 87.2229 Runar Njå Bertelsen Production- - NOR U OKTS
19 14.91 59.6501 Natalia Aarskog Production- L NOR U OKTS
20 11.02 44.0998 Sverre Fønstelien Production Optics- - NOR U sfonstel Oslo Kommunale Tjenestemennslag Skytterklubb
21 9.22 36.8601 Jon Kåre Aarskog Production- S NOR U OKTS
22 0.50 2.0162 Magnus Kragseth Production- - NOR U OKTS
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