First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 120.0000 Frank Sandås Open+ - NOR GM celeritas OKTS
2 60.53 72.6401 Bjørn. H Hansen Open+ - NOR U EPK
3 45.62 54.7483 Kai Erik Korsgaard Olsen Production- - NOR U Enebakk Pistolklubb
4 39.45 47.3403 Arild Johansen Production- S NOR U Enebakk Pistolklubb
5 34.99 41.9870 No Name Classic- S --- U
6 34.95 41.9346 Morten Holland Production- S NOR U hollando EPK
7 30.01 36.0149 Stein Runar Tjernseth Production- SS NOR U Ringerike Pistolklubb
8 25.02 30.0186 Andre Svarthol Production Optics Light- - NOR U EPK
9 21.08 25.2937 Martin Opedal-Singsaas Production Optics- - NOR U tbdmmw OKTS
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