First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 496.7770 Odd Strengenes Production- S NOR U oddman Hamar Praktiske Skyttere
2 84.86 421.5755 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- - NOR U gundis MPK
3 77.99 387.4584 Espen Finset Production- - NOR U hqvdingen RDS
4 77.26 383.7942 Thomas Engen Lund Production- - NOR U thepewpewlife NOP
5 77.23 383.6677 Stian Wærp Krøsgaard Production- - NOR U KBGPK
6 76.80 381.5197 Øystein Rambøl Production- - NOR U oysteinr SSL
7 75.00 372.5990 Kjell Ryen Production- - NOR U OFS
8 70.46 350.0101 André Holt Production- - NOR U anholt MPK
9 69.51 345.3126 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- - NOR C kjoand MPK
10 67.32 334.4419 Jens Ødegaarden Production- - NOR U jenso OFS
11 66.40 329.8362 Morten Holland Production- S NOR U hollando EPK
12 56.58 281.0770 Mattias Jonsson Production- - NOR U mattias44 Ringerike Pistolklubb (RPK)
13 41.89 208.0804 Helge Nesteby Production- SS NOR U OKTS
14 33.03 164.1044 Andreas Ring Production- - NOR U Enebakk pistolklubb
15 31.67 157.3297 Kai Erik Korsgaard Olsen Production- - NOR U Enebakk Pistolklubb
16 30.72 152.5969 Stein Runar Tjernseth Production- SS NOR U Ringerike Pistolklubb
17 26.16 129.9404 Jon Erik Modahl Production- S NOR U OKTS
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