First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 921.5413 Nils Knut Lindbo Semi-Auto Standard- SS NOR - urogallus HPI
2 95.76 882.4397 Frode Mølland Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR - 1911frode KSS
3 61.16 563.5826 Kjetil Bermingrud Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR - kjetil HPI
4 45.69 421.0339 Bjørne Skollevoll Semi-Auto Standard- - USA -
5 42.04 387.3828 Robert Dobosz Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR - robert SFS
6 36.68 338.0459 Geir Magne Holen Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR - SSS
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