First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 422.1874 Christoffer Bjelland Standard- - NOR B cbjelland
2 87.28 368.4795 Ingebjørn Solheim Standard- - NOR U nobear SSS
3 80.51 339.8896 Per Sørstrønen Standard+ - NOR U perpistol BSK
4 73.51 310.3450 Thomas Olaussen Standard- - NOR U longrange SSS
5 56.49 238.5091 Njaal Sørstrønen Standard+ - NOR U BSK
6 41.14 173.6968 John Vedo Standard+ S NOR U
7 24.53 103.5703 Bjørn Steinar Thorvaldsen Standard- S NOR U Hå Sportsskyttere
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