First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 416.9133 Magnus Sjöstrand Production Optics- - NOR U dagger OKTS
2 87.22 363.6312 Kjetil Bermingrud Production Optics- - NOR U kjetil HPI
3 85.40 356.0290 Geir Kvam Production Optics- S NOR U czy TOP-DSS
4 76.01 316.8781 Daniel Lerøen Production Optics- - NOR U daniel KSS
5 75.73 315.7162 Harald Storhaug Olsen Production Optics- - NOR U OKTS
6 65.35 272.4509 Steff Bermingrud Production Optics- L NOR U HPI
7 57.07 237.9190 Jonas Lilleland Production Optics- - NOR U HOP
8 51.08 212.9432 Tore Gunnar Torgersen Production Optics- S NOR U HPI
9 44.98 187.5116 Vidar Mortensen Production Optics- - NOR U KSS
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