First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1206.7514 Kenneth Handberg Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR GM kingcrab APK
2 98.94 1193.9779 Eric Johan Fredriksson Semi-Auto Standard- - SWE U fredriksson Växjö PK
3 96.69 1166.8277 Hans Holmkvist Semi-Auto Standard- S SWE U hasseh Security Group Dynamics
4 86.29 1041.2665 Daniel Olsson Semi-Auto Standard- - SWE U danielolsson UPSF
5 80.52 971.7146 Stefan Wallberg Semi-Auto Standard- - SWE U wallis GDS
6 77.63 936.8308 Joakim Sand Semi-Auto Standard- - SWE U hamnarbetaren MSG
7 75.95 916.5324 Erik Larsson Semi-Auto Standard- - SWE U eqlazer GDS
8 74.18 895.1903 Per Torbjørn Ruud Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U ptruud RPK
9 71.06 857.5773 Svein Heibø Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U sveinkhh NOP
10 62.47 753.7980 Andreas Anderson Semi-Auto Standard- - SWE U andreas VSD
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