First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 731.9650 Andreas Helvig Hansen Open+ - DNK U SSIN
2 88.31 646.3817 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK U ibenforth SSIN
3 82.44 603.4204 Selcuk Kahraman Production Optics- - DNK U selo Cps/ssin
4 81.38 595.6833 Lars Hagemann Production Optics- S DNK GM hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
5 81.12 593.7392 David K Grainger Production Optics- - DNK U grainger SSIN
6 80.39 588.4152 Hugo Rinaldo Production Optics- SJ SWE U rinaldojr LaholmsPSK
7 79.94 585.1493 Sissal Skaale Standard+ L DNK GM MSG/CPS
8 78.45 574.2287 Marcus Skogstrom Production Optics- - SWE U maskman MSG
9 75.74 554.3846 Mikael Jung Standard+ - SWE U jung Växjö PK
10 74.84 547.8140 Ola Carlsson Production Optics- - SWE U ola944 ÖPK
11 74.47 545.1201 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
12 73.43 537.4893 Jan Guldbrandsen Open+ S DNK U SSIN
13 73.41 537.3646 Runi Skoubjerg Standard+ - DNK A coroni SSIN
14 73.31 536.6085 Faj Tran Classic- - SWE U fajsan MSC
15 72.87 533.3595 Anders Urban Production Optics- - DNK U urbanlegend DKYX
16 70.82 518.3671 Anders Egeskov Open+ - DNK U egeskov SSIN
17 70.49 515.9921 Klas Ekegren Production- - SWE U oaken MSG
18 70.43 515.5161 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK A jan63 SSIN
19 70.41 515.3844 Aleksandar Duracov Open+ - DNK U SSIN
20 70.14 513.3816 Fredric Hidesand Production Optics- - SWE U ssgcaptain Kullens PK
21 69.97 512.1895 Jacob Larsen Classic- - DNK U mech SSIN
22 69.84 511.2034 Torben G. Skjoldborg Standard- S DNK U SSIN
23 67.77 496.0609 Søren S Production Optics- - DNK U SSIN
24 67.50 494.0769 Kim Frandsen Classic- - DNK U mindstorm Struer
25 67.19 491.7916 Fredrik Tufvesson Production Optics- - SWE U krutdurk ÖPK
26 66.52 486.8895 Peter Olsen Mertz Production- - DNK U bippe CPS
27 66.23 484.7734 Daniel Denwood Standard+ - SWE U doubledelta MSPS
28 65.80 481.6165 Daniel Streiby Production Optics- - SWE U MSPS
29 65.57 479.9656 Dennis Martlev Production Optics- S DNK U smartlev SSIN
30 64.28 470.5295 Lasse Poulsen Standard- - DNK U poulsen CPS/SSIN/VSF
31 63.48 464.6622 Karsten S Production Optics- - DNK U SSIN
32 63.32 463.4821 Robert Svensson Production- - SWE U MSG
33 63.28 463.1899 kim poulsen Production Optics- S DNK U CPS / FSL / KSL
34 62.44 457.0207 Nicola Lo Presti Standard- - SWE U nixi MSG
35 62.34 456.3433 Michael Schow Rasmussen Open+ - DNK U schow SSIN
36 62.21 455.3385 Jesper Håkansson Standard- S SWE U jpha Kristianstads PK
37 61.88 452.9090 Jens Lundholm Production- - SWE U ÖPK
38 61.69 451.5283 Mathias Rinaldo Production Optics- S SWE U pewpewu2 LaholmsPSK
39 61.51 450.2024 Christian Skott Johansen Production- - DNK U CPS
40 60.71 444.3935 Peter Lundberg Production Optics- S SWE U astorx MSG
41 60.64 443.8391 Izabela Duracova Open+ J DNK U Ssin
42 60.41 442.1773 Tim Iversen Standard- - DNK U SSIN
43 60.40 442.1343 Mikael Persson Production Optics- S SWE U ÖPK
44 59.94 438.7391 Peder Nilsson Production- - SWE U Växjö PK
45 59.00 431.8421 Goran Radosavljevic Classic- S DNK U mariabonita SSF-1910
46 58.23 426.2119 Joakim Bossner Standard+ - SWE U bossner Kullens PK
47 57.67 422.1490 Dorothea Denwood Production Optics- L SWE U dorothea MSPS
48 57.28 419.2782 Hans J Holbek Production Optics- S DNK U tank Kjøbenhavns Skytteforening/ CPS
49 57.21 418.7291 Dannie Høg Production- - DNK U SSIN
50 56.72 415.1431 Erik Nilsson Production Optics- - SWE U Kristianstads PK
51 56.18 411.1912 Michael Stefansen Production- - DNK U stefansen SSIN
52 55.94 409.4482 Per Martinsson Production Optics- - SWE U Kullens PK
53 55.02 402.7366 Thomas Idorn Production- - SWE U ppq MSG
54 54.22 396.8850 Anders Zander Classic- - SWE U masterwelder MSG
55 53.76 393.5361 Joakim Svensson Standard- - SWE U gadgeten Kristianstads PK
56 53.44 391.1892 Patrik Carlsson Production Optics- S SWE U modestyblaise MSG
57 53.12 388.8034 Kenneth Kleist Production- - DNK U SSIN / SKL
58 52.97 387.7239 Mikael Floberg Production Optics- - SWE U mickeys Kullen PK
59 52.44 383.8199 Marcus Larsson Production Optics- - SWE U MSPS
60 51.76 378.8755 Ayram Shine Production- L DNK U SAS skytteklub
61 51.22 374.8919 Dan Berglund Standard- - SWE U danvonberg Kullens PK
62 51.08 373.9174 Robert Hansson Production Optics- S SWE U swedishiq MSPS
63 50.98 373.1376 Henrik Randers Open+ S SWE U randers MSPS
64 50.84 372.1115 Peter Johansson Production- S SWE U Växjö PK
65 50.78 371.6950 Kristina Agerbæk Production- L DNK U SSIN
66 49.49 362.2593 Mikkel Schulz Production- - DNK U SSIN
67 49.49 362.2454 Mattias Haapaniemi Production Optics- S SWE U mrhappy MSPS
68 49.09 359.3019 Morten Jörgensen Production- - SWE U netromj LaholmsPSK
69 49.05 359.0488 Kent Holm Standard- SS DNK U kent1 SSIN
70 48.64 356.0149 Henrik Laursen Standard- - DNK U alphabear SSIN
71 47.86 350.3518 Jesper Helmersen Production- - DNK U huggy
72 47.79 349.8401 Alexander Perlman Production- - SWE U slutbossen Kullens PK
73 47.27 345.9662 Petter Naef Production- S SWE U MSG
74 47.17 345.2616 Stefan bengtsson Standard- - SWE U MSPS
75 46.99 343.9169 Gorm Toft Standard- - DNK U Nykøbing Sjælland skytteforening
76 46.24 338.4923 Lars Jönsson Open- SS SWE U znake Kristianstads PK
77 46.12 337.5680 Jan Hofman Classic+ S DNK U blackadder Københavns Sportsskytte Klub
78 45.97 336.4820 Jakob Thorsteinsson Production Optics- - SWE U lothbrok Kullens PK
79 45.41 332.3778 Björn Elfvin Standard- S SWE U bjoelf Växjö PK
80 45.25 331.2481 Oskar Elfvin Production Optics- - SWE U elvino MSG
81 44.67 326.9795 Gert Nielsen Standard- SS SWE D genie KullensPK
82 43.84 320.9275 Peter Boysen Classic- S DNK U HSI
83 43.83 320.7874 Per NotKnown Classic- - SWE U ipscper Kullens PK
84 43.62 319.2960 Martin Eriksson Production- - SWE U ÄPK
85 42.88 313.8897 Michael Østerberg Standard- S DNK U Bellahøj Skytteforening
86 42.86 313.7213 Per Olsson Production Optics- - SWE U MSPS
87 42.63 312.0055 Steen Pico Nielsen Standard- SS DNK U pico SSIN
88 42.49 311.0478 Mats Ahlqvist Production- S SWE U matti MSG
89 42.27 309.3658 Robin Persson Standard- - SWE U rp11 Kristianstads PK
90 42.07 307.9316 Jan Bo Kristensen Open- S DNK U durazell CPS
91 41.42 303.1780 Casper Vogelsang Standard- S DNK U vogelsang Nykøbing Sj/SSIN
92 40.58 297.0519 Amjad Ali Production- - DNK U ali SSIN
93 40.43 295.9012 Johan Appelkvist Standard- - SWE U appeal Kristianstads PK
94 39.97 292.5965 Erik Sandell Standard- S SWE C sandell Nybro PK
95 39.78 291.1805 Christopher Pickering Production Optics- - DNK U Dynamic shooting CPH
96 39.72 290.7502 Pelle Johan Ravn Bøgedal Production Optics- J DNK U Karlslunde
97 38.63 282.7848 Hans Jørgen Larsen Standard- S DNK U hsi
98 38.38 280.8977 Angelica Sanchez Standard- L SWE U LaholmsPSK
99 37.80 276.6793 Dragoljub Zukovic Production Optics- - DNK U Tingstedets Sportsskytteforening
100 37.52 274.6048 Henrik Holm Classic- SS DNK U Nykøbing Sj / ssin
101 37.19 272.2061 Mie Poulsen Classic- L DNK U CPS/SSIN/VSF
102 37.11 271.6289 Kristina Nilsson Production- L SWE U slowfox MSG
103 36.82 269.5121 Robert Pettersson Open- S SWE U KornetSK
104 36.42 266.5622 Bertil Nilsson Production- SS SWE U grinchen MSG
105 36.24 265.2908 Lars Bugge Production- SS DNK U SSIN / BSI
106 35.14 257.2160 Daniel Aldén Production- - SWE U alden Kullens PK
107 34.21 250.3938 Mark Weisinger Classic- S DNK U mark1 CPS & BS
108 28.88 211.4083 Dragan Simic Production- - SWE U MSPS
109 28.56 209.0301 Malin Berglund Production- L SWE U majamalin Kullens PK
110 28.24 206.6875 Hans Jorgen Jensen Standard- SS DNK U hjj39 ssin
111 27.83 203.7263 Dragisa Jovanikic Production- - DNK U dragisa FSF - Farum
112 27.61 202.1264 Kim Frederiksen Classic- SS DNK U CPS & HSI
113 26.78 196.0014 Jan Jaso Production Optics- SS SWE U MSPS
114 23.87 174.7519 Jacob Damm Production- - SWE U Österlens PK
115 22.88 167.4908 Irene Jönsson Standard- L SWE U dorran Kristianstads PK
116 19.28 141.0921 Peter B-With Production- S DNK U PI-KBH
117 19.14 140.0777 Benjamin Lind Dedichen Production Optics- - DNK U Tingstedet sportsskytteforening
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