First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 217.1921 Oliver Damm Standard+ S DEU U solid 1473
2 70.37 152.8458 Arnd Schebstadt Open- S DEU U 1473 Bonn
3 68.80 149.4388 Michael Kalt Open+ S DEU U SC Bka
4 65.83 142.9684 Thomas Keller Standard- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
5 57.35 124.5642 René Heinrichs Standard- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
6 56.76 123.2862 Christopher Eckert Standard- - DEU U 7HGC
7 53.84 116.9463 Ingo Foster Production- S DEU U tst 1473 Bonn
8 52.10 113.1569 Max Muth Production- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
9 50.10 108.8112 Michael Schindewolf Production- - DEU U 1473
10 42.54 92.3983 Joel Stiefer Production Optics- - DEU U
11 41.89 90.9789 Adolfo Da Silva Standard- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
12 36.93 80.2145 Steffi Weber Production- L DEU U 1473 Bonn
13 30.13 65.4469 Jannic Moutsoulas Production- - DEU U jannic 7 HGC
14 26.11 56.6987 Alexandra Kanakaris Production- L DEU U St. Sebastianus Schützenbruderschaft 1473
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