First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 575.0000 Tore Varlid Production- - NOR U gungne BSK
2 79.25 455.7088 Stig Gøran Olsen Production- S NOR U stiggo BSK
3 76.18 438.0111 Espen Hellesøy Production- - NOR U NHPK
4 70.35 404.5397 André Bernes Production- - NOR U BSK
5 66.73 383.6893 Atle Meyer Production- - NOR U meyer BEP
6 62.98 362.1479 Rune Lillerust Production- - NOR U rusten SFS
7 61.61 354.2740 Bjørge Agdestein Production- - NOR U BSK
8 59.39 341.5119 Øyvind Kvittingen Production- - NOR U KVP
9 59.39 341.4766 Are Levang Production- - NOR U BSK
10 56.18 323.0225 Jostein Solsvik Production- - NOR U joker BSK
11 53.79 309.2889 Even Fjereide Solsvik Production- - NOR U BSK
12 52.04 299.2300 Håvard Landsdalen Production- - NOR U docl HPS
13 50.52 290.5160 Ole Morten Langeland Production- - NOR U SSH
14 49.85 286.6398 Kåre Sundland Production- - NOR U sundland BSK
15 48.94 281.3764 Frode Instefjord Production- - NOR U BEP
16 31.17 179.2317 Frank Langeland Production- - NOR U Bergen Sportskytterklubb
17 17.14 98.5535 Elvis Gutierrez Production- - NOR U BSK
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