First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 428.8378 Stig Følid Open- - NOR U Sfs
2 99.01 424.5785 Rune Toft Production Optics Light- - NOR U runtof BSK
3 90.28 387.1677 Øystein Paulsen Pistol Caliber Carbine- - NOR U BSK
4 88.15 378.0104 Geir Pedersen Pistol Caliber Carbine- S NOR U glp SFS
5 81.11 347.8235 Simon Ravn Production- - NOR U ravenator BSK
6 76.38 327.5551 Robert Dobosz Production- - NOR U robert SFS
7 70.13 300.7231 Sebastian Van Veen Open- - NOR U nfdp SFS
8 68.05 291.8377 Ole Morten Svingen Standard- - NOR U Sogn og Fjordane Sportskytterklubb
9 67.02 287.4242 Arkadiusz Preuss Standard- S NOR U snipper Florø PK
10 66.69 285.9835 Martin Svensson Production Optics Light- S NOR U Florø PK
11 61.51 263.7869 Yngve Rørstadbotten-Hæve Production- - NOR U yhaeve BSK
12 61.46 263.5605 Johan Marsh Classic+ - NOR U SFS
13 52.66 225.8383 Asbjørn Ryum Marsh Standard+ J NOR U iller SFS
14 51.83 222.2608 Greger Nyheim Production- - NOR U SFS
15 51.42 220.5043 Maximilian Van Veen Standard- - NOR U max SFS
16 51.31 220.0433 Martin Ljostveit Classic+ - NOR U SFS
17 49.26 211.2609 Arve Yttri Production- S NOR U yttrien SFS
18 49.23 211.1345 Piotr Sitek Production- - NOR U SFS
19 38.45 164.8747 Eirik Ormehaug Classic- - NOR U BSK
20 34.92 149.7596 Bjørn Terje Berdal Production- S NOR U SFS
21 33.25 142.5799 Heidi Ryum Marsh Production- L NOR U SFS
22 29.97 128.5220 Per Kristian Grimeland Production Optics- S NOR U Sogn og Fjordane Sportsskyttarklubb (SFS)
23 23.51 100.8366 Ove Tviberg Production- - NOR U Florø PK
24 20.15 86.3927 Andre Lægreid Standard+ - NOR U SFS
25 15.40 66.0504 Gunnar Nyhus Production- S NOR U Sogn og Fjordane Sportsskyttarklubb
26 14.42 61.8382 Martin Ravn Production- SJ NOR U minimartini BSK
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