First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 453.9795 Simon Ravn Production- - NOR U ravenator BSK
2 95.60 433.9996 Robert Dobosz Production- - NOR U robert SFS
3 74.30 337.2949 Yngve Rørstadbotten-Hæve Production- - NOR U yhaeve BSK
4 65.00 295.0901 Greger Nyheim Production- - NOR U SFS
5 64.88 294.5509 Arve Yttri Production- S NOR U yttrien SFS
6 62.13 282.0458 Piotr Sitek Production- - NOR U SFS
7 44.78 203.2782 Bjørn Terje Berdal Production- S NOR U SFS
8 43.21 196.1505 Heidi Ryum Marsh Production- L NOR U SFS
9 28.02 127.1845 Ove Tviberg Production- - NOR U Florø PK
10 18.68 84.8064 Gunnar Nyhus Production- S NOR U Sogn og Fjordane Sportsskyttarklubb
11 15.90 72.1617 Martin Ravn Production- SJ NOR U minimartini BSK
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