results for Hokksund, AR-15 grunnkurs (org.trening)

Semi-Auto Standard Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 92.5067 Geir Arne Sandbakken Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U sandbakken OKTS
2 88.68 82.0359 Nils Oddvar Midtun Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U nilso RPK
3 88.63 81.9864 Asle Eriksen Semi-Auto Standard- S NOR U asle HPI
4 73.79 68.2578 Joakim Halden Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U merrimen HPI
5 66.84 61.8345 Stian Wærp Krøsgaard Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U KBGPK
6 26.69 24.6926 Truls Martin Buseth Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U trulle HPI
7 17.36 16.0546 Kenneth Andrè Adolfsen Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U Hokksund pistolklubb
8 16.76 15.5044 Johan Holmen Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U lamaramaman OKTS
9 7.56 6.9924 Kristoffer Andersen Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U OKTS
10 0.00 0.0000 Kristjan Arnason Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U HPI
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