First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1093.0186 Bjarte Drange Standard+ S NOR - NHPK
2 78.20 854.7372 Peter Blomqvist Standard- S SWE - pbq Hudik PSK
3 78.06 853.1850 Per Sørstrønen Standard+ S NOR - perpistol BSK
4 73.13 799.3017 Hans Martin Ese Standard- S NOR - hansa BSK
5 71.72 783.9165 Terje Tessem Standard+ S NOR - notrack SSS
6 55.53 606.9656 Thomas Bengtsson Standard- S SWE - thomasb GDS
7 53.41 583.7289 jon fossum Standard+ S NOR - OKTS
8 37.62 411.1505 Örjan Johansson Standard- S SWE - rappen KSKG
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