First name
Last name
1 100.00 789.0272 Pieter Burger Open+ - ZAF U Gc
2 86.94 685.9479 Kenny Van Der Merwe Open+ SS ZAF A Golden City
3 83.98 662.6456 Peter Lindstrom Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE U pistolpete Golden City
4 82.94 654.3893 Pieter Bouwer Open+ S ZAF A pieter Golden City
5 82.27 649.1270 Joel Cohen Open+ SS ZAF A Golden City
6 81.14 640.2240 Lionel Marks Standard+ - ZAF U Golden city
7 77.50 611.4941 Carlo Belletti Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
8 76.91 606.8778 Neelesh Dullabh Open+ S ZAF C golden city
9 70.94 559.7483 Martin Lowe Open+ SS ZAF U Roodepoort
10 70.02 552.5088 Wyn Robertson Production Optics- S ZAF U Golden city
11 69.19 545.9048 Kevin Trollip Production Optics- S ZAF C GCPSC
12 69.09 545.1429 Schalk Du Plessis Production- - ZAF U schalk Golden City
13 67.97 536.2655 Claudio Massella Open+ S ZAF C Roodepoort
14 67.49 532.4890 Brad Henstock Production Optics- S ZAF U brad Golden City
15 67.21 530.3277 Rahul Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
16 67.08 529.2515 Walter Dajee Open+ S ZWE U daj SNIPERS PSC
17 65.44 516.3319 wayne Hammond Production- SS ZAF A rogue Golden City
18 64.85 511.6591 Clive Pedersen Open+ SS ZAF B Golden City
19 64.69 510.4126 Glen Kruger Standard+ - ZAF U Golden city
20 64.38 507.9841 Abraham Jansen Van Vuuren Classic- SS ZWE B Spartan
21 62.45 492.7866 Stephen Marais Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden City
22 60.59 478.0466 Gafoor Hoosein Classic- - ZAF U gaff Golden City
23 60.19 474.8872 Coert Erasmus Production Optics- SS ZAF U Golden City
24 59.51 469.5298 Peter Lindstrom Custom- S ZWE U pistolpete Port Elizabeth
25 58.93 465.0002 Bardev Rowjee Open- SS ZAF C Golden City Shooting Club
26 58.59 462.2815 Minette Burger Open- L ZAF U Golden City
27 57.76 455.7225 Mark Hammond Standard- S ZAF U GC
28 57.02 449.8944 Keith Trollip Production Optics- - ZAF C GCPSC
29 54.64 431.1433 Nick Wesley Smuts Standard- S ZAF U CG1278
30 54.59 430.7175 cHris Marais Open+ SS ZAF B Goldencity
31 54.49 429.9748 Giovanni Larigan Abrahams Production- S ZAF U Golden City
32 54.19 427.5521 Deveash Jivan Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
33 53.75 424.0655 Shyam Jagwanth Production- S ZAF U Golden City
34 53.07 418.7164 Peter Holmes Production- SS ZWE C pistol Spartan
35 49.19 388.0994 Keith Christopher Askham Open+ SS ZAF U jetjungle Golden City
36 48.59 383.3580 Sashikant Gopal Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City Shooting
37 48.25 380.6707 Radhir Nundlall Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
38 46.34 365.6165 Colin De Souza Standard+ SS ZAF C Golden City
39 45.59 359.6787 Ayush Nundlall Open+ J ZAF U Golden City
40 43.94 346.7329 Mahomed Doola Standard- S ZAF U Golden City
41 42.75 337.3001 Derick Van Den Berg Standard- - ZAF U golden city
42 42.47 335.1362 Steven Barrett Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
43 41.99 331.2831 Michel Marks Production- L ZWE C Golden city
44 39.83 314.2634 Enver Tim Standard+ SS ZAF U golden city
45 39.41 310.9367 Jorge Goncalves Standard+ S ZAF U golden city
46 36.88 290.9795 Hishaam Iqbal Khan Standard- - ZAF U Golden city
47 36.13 285.0541 Zaid Iqbal Khan Standard- - ZAF U Golden city
48 32.71 258.0563 Mark Leong Classic+ S ZAF U Golden City
49 26.97 212.8378 Johan Venter Production- - ZWE U Spartan
50 24.32 191.8915 Ronnie Van Der Merwe Open- J ZAF U william Golden City
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