First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 570.5577 Christer Garmann Standard- - NOR U chrigar BEP
2 88.46 504.7181 Jerzy Sokol Standard- - NOR U BEP
3 68.48 390.7283 Espen Nytun Standard- SS NOR U BEP
4 65.93 376.1769 Andreas Lyssand Standard- S NOR U 308lyssand PDS
5 63.29 361.1210 Harald Kismul Standard- - NOR U BSK
6 59.36 338.6839 Tor Holst Standard- - NOR U BSK - Bergen, Norway
7 57.88 330.2118 Ove Toranger Standard- - NOR U smileyface BEP
8 43.10 245.9246 Frederik Engevik Standard- - NOR U BEP
9 31.66 180.6541 Andreas Olsen Standard- S NOR U BEP
10 31.34 178.7981 Bent Pettersen Standard- S NOR U bent BEP
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