First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 288.9332 Daniel Tillström Production Optics- - SWE U climber EDS
2 94.11 271.9103 Daniel Fritjofsson Production Optics- - SWE U dtf EDS
3 89.53 258.6899 Jocke Glaés Open+ S SWE U arson EDS
4 76.54 221.1420 Johan Bär Production Optics- - SWE U EDS
5 75.31 217.5943 Thomas Nilson Production- - SWE U gratisnalle EDS
6 73.49 212.3496 Fredrik Johanson Production- S SWE U Eksjö Dynamiska Skyttar
7 68.43 197.7203 Björn Küfner Production- - SWE U EDS
8 62.55 180.7388 Anders Ingvarsson Production- - SWE U EDS
9 59.05 170.6178 Joakim Blomander Production- - SWE U EDS
10 58.13 167.9709 Michael Henebratt Production- S SWE U Eksjö DS
11 55.14 159.3081 Mikael Ernstsson Production Optics- S SWE U uinen EDS
12 52.31 151.1448 Sebastian Hahn Production- - SWE U EDS
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