First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1103.7792 Ronny Røise Standard- S NOR - bigwolf GPK
2 95.46 1053.6509 Roger Jensen Standard+ S NOR - murphy SSL
3 73.97 816.5065 Terje Tessem Standard+ S NOR - notrack SSS
4 58.78 648.8168 jon fossum Standard+ S NOR - OKTS
5 52.99 584.9044 Sigve Madland Standard- S NOR - Hå sportskyttere
6 52.52 579.7433 Per Inge Jacobsen Standard+ S NOR - HPI
7 48.69 537.4161 Thomas Buene Standard- S NOR - Hå pk
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