First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 667.8856 David Levin Production Optics- - SWE U spislucka IPSC Örebro
2 97.16 648.9192 Mikael Östling Production Optics- - SWE U pergite Göteborgs Dynamiska Skyttar
3 95.11 635.2531 Niclas Dal Production Optics- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF
4 88.58 591.6117 Andreas Warsén Open+ - SWE U Södertörns SK
5 88.01 587.8333 Marcus Norberg Open+ - SWE U nog SSK
6 87.15 582.0832 Daniel Holmgren Production Optics- - SWE U danneh MDS
7 87.08 581.5695 Dan Liljeström Production Optics- S SWE U liljestrom Stockholms LVF
8 86.34 576.6742 Carl Inger Production Optics- S SWE U bobo68 Stockholms LVF
9 84.10 561.6860 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick Södertörns SK (SSK)
10 83.73 559.2397 Tobias Hårdén Open+ - SWE U harden MDS
11 80.20 535.6602 Jimmy With Production Optics- - SWE U with IPSC Smedjan Team Sloth
12 79.50 530.9697 Vincent Hörnsten Production- - SWE U vikingr SPSF
13 79.16 528.7077 Luis Soler Production Optics- S SWE U luyazami SPSF
14 78.87 526.7525 Marcus Eriksson Production Optics- - SWE U marer SPK
15 78.00 520.9208 Michael Lindström Production Optics- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
16 77.49 517.5361 Fredrik Holmstrand Production Optics- - SWE U SPK
17 76.50 510.9504 Erik Fjellström Production- - SWE U BallisticS
18 76.07 508.0410 Mikael Söderholm Production Optics- - SWE U micke Team onyx
19 75.99 507.5541 Jimmy Svensson Production- - SWE U 9mm IPSC Örebro
20 75.79 506.2030 John Bryant-Meisner Production Optics- - SWE U jbm Stockholms LVF
21 75.30 502.9200 Mikael Andersson Production Optics- - SWE U mickemuz MDS
22 74.75 499.2580 jaakko kangasvieri Production- - SWE U jaakko IPSC Örebro
23 74.46 497.3397 Peter Söderberg Production- - SWE U psod BallisticS
24 73.98 494.0900 Robin Östman Production- - SWE U wox SPSK
25 73.53 491.0750 Ronnie Mörth Production Optics- - SWE U IPSC Örebro
26 72.54 484.4756 Kristian Säkki Production- - SWE U sakki SPSK
27 72.01 480.9557 Joacim Eriksson Production Optics- - SWE U ESs
28 71.75 479.2303 Martin Assarsson Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
29 70.22 468.9792 Bo Edin Open- SS SWE U clickmaster IPSC Västerås
30 69.59 464.7631 One-Eyed Jack Production Optics- - SWE U ripper BBSKF
31 69.37 463.2846 Jörgen Broman Open+ S SWE U broman LSC
32 69.35 463.1985 Adam Forsell Production Optics- - SWE U valdamir IPSC Västerås
33 67.98 454.0071 Stefan Sandberg Production Optics- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan
34 67.31 449.5251 Tobias Åström Production- - SWE U mercs Bergslagens skyttar, BESK
35 67.30 449.4799 Victor Lloyd Production Optics- - SWE U lloyd IPSC Örebro
36 67.22 448.9303 Pär Iwers Production- - SWE U iwers BOPS
37 66.81 446.2248 Peter Eriksson Production Optics- - SWE U ekovrajz Kornet SK - FMJ SHooting Range
38 66.62 444.9519 Johan Sundevall Production Optics- - SWE U IPSC Örebro
39 66.46 443.8785 Erik Willner Open+ S SWE U eriwil MDS
40 66.40 443.4643 Per Wikström Production Optics- - SWE U dalkarl Dalarnas militära och polisiära skyttar
41 65.86 439.8474 Tom Sundlöf Production- - SWE U SPSK
42 65.73 439.0099 Ted Kvarnström Open+ - SWE U themanwhitnoname SPSK
43 65.72 438.9193 Robert Eriksson Production Optics- - SWE U rabbagaster IPSC Smedjan
44 65.59 438.0925 Micke Lindblom Production- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
45 65.19 435.3894 Jens Syrén Production- - SWE U Bofors skjutfälts skyttekår
46 65.13 435.0249 Erik NotKnown Production- S SWE U scoreman Stockholms LVF
47 64.66 431.8571 Daniel Gulle Production- - SWE U gulle ESs
48 64.31 429.5093 Daniel Castillo Production Optics- - SWE U danieldvc Stockholms LVF
49 62.78 419.2730 Sandra Arbinger Standard+ L SWE U bilbo SPSK
50 62.52 417.5929 Jan Mattsson Open+ SS SWE U janm Ipsc Västerås
51 62.07 414.5893 Jonas Ståhlberg Standard- - SWE U jst81 Karlstads PSK
52 61.83 412.9250 Peter Hladisch Production Optics- S SWE U luckyluke GuDS
53 61.53 410.9280 Rolf Lönn Production Optics- SS SWE U roffe Gävle PK
54 61.44 410.3168 Marjan Angelovski Classic- - SWE U marang SPSF
55 61.07 407.9083 Maximus Albenius Production Optics- J SWE U BESK Bergslagens Skyttar
56 60.62 404.8677 Jakob Ekman Production Optics- - SWE U Karlstad PSK
57 60.29 402.6768 Johan Nilsson Standard- - SWE U nilsson1911 IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
58 60.12 401.5217 Tommi Pekkanen Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan
59 59.87 399.8818 Simon Runnvik Production- - SWE U Bops
60 59.84 399.6313 Edith Gustavsson Production- L SWE U ehg SPSF
61 59.78 399.2347 Malte Nordin Production Optics- - SWE U IPSC Örebro
62 59.70 398.7038 Michael Nordell Production Optics- S SWE U Södertörns sk
63 59.44 397.0152 Kim Nordström Production- - SWE U nordstrom85 Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
64 59.44 396.9708 Linus H Production- - SWE U linush Sthlm M&P
65 59.40 396.7142 Christoffer With Production Optics- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan
66 59.29 395.9828 Thorbjörn Sjövold Production Optics- - SWE U ESs
67 58.98 393.9441 Stefan Rosenberg Production Optics- S SWE U Enköpings PK
68 58.82 392.8564 Billy Broberg Production Optics- S SWE U badbilly Ballongberget Skf
69 58.82 392.8362 Jörgen Lindberg Standard+ - SWE U IPSC Smedjan
70 58.66 391.8047 Elias Bouvin Standard- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
71 58.49 390.6740 Daniel Hokkanen Production Optics Light- - SWE U setharakthe BOPS
72 58.22 388.8205 Anders Dahlberg Production Optics- S SWE U hungry
73 58.15 388.3573 Fredrik Englund Production Optics- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
74 57.49 383.9706 Lilly Westberg Production- L SWE U lilwest SPSK
75 57.10 381.3824 Carl-Fredrik Klåvus Production- - SWE U BallisticS
76 56.26 375.7611 Joakim Stralje Production Optics- - SWE U frolomp ESs
77 55.97 373.8083 Merima Åström Production Optics- L SWE U merima Bergslagens Skyttar BESK
78 55.75 372.3167 Henrik Vierula Production Optics- - SWE U brodhir IPSC Smedjan
79 55.24 368.9325 Mikael Eriksson Production Optics- - SWE U ESs
80 54.69 365.2345 Jonny Arbinger Standard- S SWE U binge SPSK
81 54.57 364.4440 Sami Jäämuru Production- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
82 53.27 355.7556 Tommy G Standard- - SWE U soe S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
83 53.25 355.6756 Andreas Säkki Production- - SWE U SPSK
84 52.94 353.5662 Johan Lindqvist Production Optics- - SWE U Ipsc smedjan
85 52.76 352.3604 Jon Nordquist Production- - SWE U jonnor85 IPSC Smedjan
86 52.73 352.1700 Fredrik Gullberg Standard- - SWE U gullberg Lesjöfors pistolskytteklubb, LPSK
87 52.66 351.6786 Björn Johansson Production Optics- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan
88 52.65 351.6248 Adam Sjölin Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan
89 51.82 346.0680 Linnéa Berg Production- L SWE U IPSC Smedjan
90 51.32 342.7320 Andreas Frank Production Optics- - SWE U frank HUPK
91 50.79 339.2457 Albin Hedman Production- - SWE U abe MDS
92 50.64 338.2416 S Haglund Production Optics Light- - SWE U MPS
93 50.50 337.2707 Daniel Ädel Production Optics- - SWE U adel MDS
94 50.37 336.4011 Izabell P Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
95 49.95 333.6101 Johannes Bartsch Production Optics- S SWE U firehand IPSC Örebro
96 49.85 332.9703 Anders Johansson Production- S SWE U Uppsala DS
97 49.74 332.1925 Niclas Carlman Production Optics- - SWE U skalman BOPS
98 49.09 327.8616 Carl Astner Production Optics- - USA U Smedjan
99 48.69 325.2227 Matts Lindberg Open+ - SWE U Bergslagens Skyttar
100 48.51 323.9897 Simon Fant Production- - SWE U Ssk
101 48.11 321.3366 Patrik Danielsson Standard- - SWE U pidden Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
102 47.36 316.3309 Conny Chow Production Optics- SS SWE U konta BBSKF
103 47.36 316.3148 Tommi Leppämäki Production- - SWE U BESK
104 46.94 313.5321 Jimmy Tihvan Production- - SWE U Besk
105 46.40 309.8876 Anders Jansson Revolver- - SWE U rattatosk MDS
106 45.79 305.8169 Ted Eriksson Production Optics- S SWE U tbear IPSC smedjan
107 45.69 305.1709 Robin Lennartsson Production- - SWE U lugerpastorn IPSC Västerås
108 43.59 291.1540 Bengt Siverling Production Optics- S SWE U svingaling Ballongberget Skf
109 42.84 286.1116 Lars Mattsson Production- - SWE U xxlars Uppsala DS
110 42.75 285.5258 Johan Lindgren Production- - SWE U joli Norrköping shooting club
111 42.60 284.4915 Mikael Wallander Production- - SWE U Berga SKF
112 42.45 283.5280 Robin Rikardsson Production- - SWE U ESs
113 42.13 281.3593 Carljohan Sohl Production- - SWE U
114 41.96 280.2703 Anna H Production Optics- - SWE U annakh Sthlm M&P
115 41.91 279.9219 Johan Albenius Production- - SWE U BESK Bergslagens Skyttar
116 41.04 274.0780 Claes N Production- - SWE U kalops IPSC Västerås
117 40.98 273.6918 Henrik Sjöström Production- - SWE U parker Karlstads PSK
118 40.36 269.5294 Tobias Gustafsson Production Optics- - SWE U tobbeg77 Dala Mp
119 40.28 268.9979 Patrik Dalsjö Production- S SWE U ardbeg Pistolklubben Ena
120 39.70 265.1354 svenne abrahamsen Production Optics- S SWE U 64abris BESK Bergslagens Skyttar
121 39.67 264.9609 Bengt Hamann Production- SS SWE U hamann Besk, Bergslagens skyttar
122 38.83 259.3566 Mikael PG Larsson Production- S SWE U krigge IPSC Västerås
123 38.66 258.1846 Ulf Åström Production- SS SWE U jaggaxk8 BESK
124 38.57 257.5777 Daniel Hansson Production- - SWE U Dala-MP
125 38.46 256.8667 Tobias Jacobsson Standard- - SWE U IPSC Örebro
126 38.31 255.8669 Frank Räms Sundén Classic- - SWE U fralle MDS
127 37.64 251.4152 Håkan Borgström Production Optics- - SWE U hakbo ESs
128 37.53 250.6651 Adam Pernolf Production- - SWE U
129 36.67 244.9084 Marcus Möller Production- - SWE U masterofdarkness BESK
130 36.28 242.3186 Stefan Svahn Standard- S SWE U swessv Bergslagens skyttar
131 36.03 240.6344 Fredrik Söderlund Production- - SWE U matusalem bergslagens skyttar
132 35.96 240.1522 Nina Meranius Production Optics- L SWE U filini Stockholms LVF
133 35.63 237.9870 Joakim Danielsson Production- - SWE U BOPS
134 35.11 234.4635 Karlo Grbin Standard- - SWE U olrak IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
135 34.13 227.9714 Ava J Production- L SWE U Stockholms LVF
136 33.72 225.1786 Vivi-Anne Karlsson Production- L SWE U vivianne Bergslagens Skyttar
137 33.02 220.5162 Magnus Johansson Production Optics- - SWE U loke1 Uppsala DS
138 32.79 219.0312 Andreas Krainer Production- - SWE U
139 32.53 217.2711 Alexandra Shamloo Production- L SWE U
140 32.24 215.3020 Aron Flam Standard- - SWE U zohan Ärna IF DS
141 31.35 209.3779 Lars Eriksson Standard- - SWE U stiltman Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
142 31.02 207.1830 Christoffer Malmström Revolver+ - SWE U krk Stockholms LVF
143 30.95 206.7111 Magnus Lundqvist Production Optics- - SWE U 5125 Bergslagens Skyttar
144 29.77 198.8337 Linus Jakobsson Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan, ESKILSTUNA
145 28.46 190.0944 Torbjörn Tomtlund Production- SS SWE U tobbe Grängesbergs Pistolklubb
146 28.17 188.1303 Fredrik Berg Production Optics- - SWE U MDS
147 27.40 182.9818 Sven Bender Production- - SWE U svb Upplands Väsby PSK
148 27.27 182.1539 Simon Pettersson-Ek Production Optics- - SWE U Ess
149 27.16 181.3827 David NotKnown Production- - SWE U Södertörn Sportskytte (SSK)
150 26.71 178.3919 Larseric Elestig Production- S SWE U nobody Leksands PK
151 26.07 174.0954 Anna Claesson Production- L SWE U claesson89 Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
152 26.05 173.9716 Tony Assarsson Production- S SWE U Besk
153 24.91 166.3906 Björn Lindkvist Production- - SWE U MDS
154 23.73 158.4932 Robin Engstrand Production- - SWE U BBSKF
155 23.66 157.9948 Patrik Larsson Revolver+ - SWE U boggpatrik MDS
156 23.47 156.7241 Samuel Sjöberg Production- - SWE U Besk
157 23.26 155.3237 Bengt Lindblad Production- S SWE U Bergslagens Skyttar: BESK
158 22.26 148.6964 Roberto Granberg Production- - SWE U rg73 Bergslagens skyttar
159 21.69 144.8637 Erik Johansson Revolver+ SS SWE U farbror IPSC Örebro
160 20.19 134.8635 Frank Werf Production- S SWE U Besk
161 19.96 133.3191 Nils Danielsson Production- S SWE U BOPS
162 19.21 128.3328 Richard Lindkvist Production- - SWE U
163 18.37 122.6811 Per Löw Production- - SWE U Bergslagens Skyttar , BES
164 18.29 122.1668 Manne Sjöberg Production- - SWE U
165 17.62 117.6569 Karin Karlsson Production- L SWE U dixie BESK
166 17.02 113.6639 Ing We Production- - SWE U BESK
167 12.43 83.0076 Duangkamol Hamann Production- L SWE U moon BESK
168 6.45 43.0737 Emil Löw Production- - USA U Bergslagens skyttar
169 4.44 29.6803 Tim Thurin Production- - SWE U Bergslagens Skyttar
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