First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 538.5868 Bjarne Larning Custom- - SWE U bjarne SSF
2 97.33 524.2034 Christian Skoglund Open+ - SWE U skoglund Jönköpings PK
3 97.02 522.5514 Daniel Johnson Production- - SWE U surfan SSF
4 95.59 514.8403 Peter Eliasson Standard+ - SWE U petereliasson SSF
5 91.19 491.1280 Hugo Rinaldo Production Optics- SJ SWE U rinaldojr LaholmsPSK
6 91.10 490.6409 Joakim Wallin Production Optics- S SWE U sveaskogen SSF
7 86.79 467.4456 Mathias Rinaldo Production Optics- S SWE U pewpewu2 LaholmsPSK
8 85.73 461.7188 Frans Vonasek Open+ J SWE U GDS
9 84.61 455.6764 Stefan Johannesson Production Optics- SS SWE U st3f4n GPIF
10 83.59 450.1855 Henrik Berntson Standard- - SWE U punisher GPIF
11 81.80 440.5647 Kim Gustafsson Standard+ - SWE U mopargun TorupsPk
12 81.12 436.8771 Peter Larsson Open+ S SWE U pelar VSD
13 79.83 429.9662 Ali NotKnown Production Optics- - SWE U adelius SGD - Security Group Dynamics
14 78.51 422.8439 Jacob Lind Production Optics- - SWE U mrlind GDS
15 78.05 420.3939 Anders Björk Production- - SWE U bjork Security Group Dynamics
16 77.73 418.6306 Lars Kilen Production- - SWE U smen SSF IPSC
17 77.59 417.9148 Jonas Eklund Production Optics- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
18 77.27 416.1512 Allan Bergman Production- - SWE U dosch Security Group Dynamics
19 76.67 412.9077 Linus Claar Production- - SWE U UPSF
20 76.50 412.0181 Robert H Production Optics- - SWE U GDS
21 76.09 409.8252 Hänry Bengtsson Production Optics- - SWE U hanry1536 Jönköpings PK
22 75.45 406.3618 Linus Johansson Classic- - SWE U Jönköpingspolisens skytte och idrottsförening
23 75.41 406.1579 Christoffer Rath Olsen Production- - SWE U P4 Dynamiska Skyttar
24 75.26 405.3494 Christoffer Lindfors Production- - SWE U stalken SSF
25 75.02 404.0369 Mathias Martinius Production Optics- - SWE U mathias SäSF
26 74.07 398.9046 Hans Hellenius Production- - SWE U chimpy Säve PSK
27 73.89 397.9718 Kristoffer Mann Standard- - SWE U GDS
28 73.33 394.9197 Alf Wallblom Standard- S SWE U awall UPSF
29 73.20 394.2320 Johan Söderström Production- - SWE U sunbeam SäSF
30 73.19 394.1872 Peter Johansson Production- S SWE U Växjö PK
31 72.59 390.9375 Patrik Fritzson Standard+ S SWE U SSF
32 72.13 388.4636 Amir N. Standard- - SWE U moustache BPS
33 70.97 382.2116 Marcus Molin Custom- - SWE U mackan73 SSF
34 70.93 382.0356 Gustav Steneholm Production Optics- - SWE U gstene Torups Pistolklubb
35 70.89 381.8002 Christopher Vonasek Production Optics- - SWE U GDS
36 70.79 381.2499 Mikael Janeman Standard+ S SWE U jman Jönköpings PK
37 70.34 378.8573 Markus Edvardsson Production Optics- - SWE U SäSF
38 69.22 372.8339 Patric Gustafsson Open+ SS SWE U dronten Torups PK
39 68.87 370.9146 Henrik Bergsten Production- - SWE U hbergsten GDS
40 68.50 368.9291 Erik Lindström Production- S SWE U orca VSD
41 68.34 368.0582 Anders Bengtsson Production Optics- - SWE U abe75 Jönköpings PK
42 67.29 362.4365 Peter Landin Standard- - SWE U landin Jönköpings PK
43 67.20 361.9116 Per Bandenius Production Optics- S SWE U bandenius GDS
44 66.35 357.3360 Lars Magnusson Production Optics- S SWE U UPSF
45 66.27 356.9378 Mattias Wallander Production Optics- - SWE U wallan P4 DS
46 65.85 354.6543 Tobias Melin Production- - SWE U tmelin Jönköping PK
47 65.27 351.5422 Jan Anderberg Standard+ S SWE U Sävepsk
48 65.26 351.4620 Tommy Krey Production- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
49 64.98 349.9830 Patrik Hållpås Standard- S SWE U patrik Security Group Dynamics
50 64.67 348.2990 Stefan Eliasson Production Optics- S SWE U segman UPSF
51 64.19 345.7137 Jonas Landin Standard- - SWE U 617landin SSF
52 63.79 343.5376 Andreas Hassel Production- - SWE U andreas SäSF
53 63.42 341.5504 Arnold Holmqvist Production- S SWE U arnh P4 DS
54 62.68 337.5956 Magnus Gillevi Production- - SWE U GPIF
55 62.58 337.0611 Hampus Rex Production Optics- - SWE U hrex SSF
56 62.54 336.8273 Long-John Lundblom Classic- - SWE U hretard Jönköpings PK
57 62.15 334.7542 Mikael Sävström Production Optics- - SWE U savis SSF
58 61.90 333.3696 Sasa Petrovic Production- - SWE U petrovic Jönköpings PK
59 61.56 331.5399 Thomas Persson Classic- S SWE U pezon Jönköpings PK
60 60.79 327.3904 Tobias Johansson Production Optics- S SWE U Markaryds Dynamiska Sportskytteklubb
61 60.50 325.8541 Jörgen Sandberg Production- S SWE U SäSF
62 59.28 319.2911 Mathias Johansson Production- - SWE U mathjo P4 DS
63 59.15 318.5984 Robert Haegerstam Production- - SWE U Växjö PK
64 58.81 316.7226 Lowe Östman Production- - SWE U GGSF
65 58.78 316.5720 Tomas Andersson Production- - SWE U zeb GGSF
66 57.86 311.6056 Fredrik Ferdinandsson Production- - SWE U ferdi76 GDS
67 57.70 310.7526 Jürgen Raudva Production- S SWE U raju Säve PSK
68 56.83 306.0797 Jonaz Eriksson Production- - SWE C jayc Göteborgs Dynamiska Skyttar (GDS)
69 56.62 304.9329 Peder Nilsson Production- - SWE U Växjö PK
70 56.12 302.2605 Andreas Eklöf Standard+ - SWE U ekan GPIF
71 56.06 301.9067 Kristian Väliluoto Production- S SWE U BPS
72 56.02 301.7044 Henrik Knutsson Production- - SWE U henkebenke Säve PSK
73 55.96 301.3996 Martin Hollertz Production- S SWE U hollertz UPSF
74 55.75 300.2724 Jimi Arwidsson Production Optics- - SWE U jimi P4 DS
75 54.92 295.8167 Andreas Carlsson Production Optics- - SWE U mrblue GPIF
76 54.39 292.9383 Patrik Ekdahl Standard- S SWE U LSC
77 53.61 288.7209 Christoffer Hermansson Production- - SWE U coffe torups pistolklubb
78 53.20 286.5349 Gerry Dahlgren Production- SS SWE U kgd52 Torups Pistolklubb
79 53.14 286.1911 Martin Karlsson Production- - SWE U MSPS
80 52.94 285.1027 Daniel Kjellberg Standard- - SWE U dan GPIF
81 52.23 281.2789 Andreas Waldemar Standard- - SWE U waldemar Jönköping pk
82 52.11 280.6800 Jan Tirfing Classic- S SWE U tirre Jönköpings PK
83 51.99 279.9864 Markus Lindh Production- - SWE U Jönköping PK
84 51.46 277.1306 Peter Freed Production- - SWE U freed Torups Pistolklubb
85 51.01 274.7287 Christian Svartenstedt Production- - SWE U svartenstedt GDS
86 50.42 271.5329 Alexander Nordenswan Production- S SWE U GPIF
87 49.63 267.3267 Jennifer Gustafsson Production- L SWE U GDS
88 49.16 264.7640 Erik Larsson Production- - SWE U erik10 SSF
89 49.06 264.2286 Martijn Ter Harkel Production- S SWE U tobee Torup
90 48.84 263.0239 Robin Andersson Production- - SWE U SäSF
91 48.54 261.4450 Magnus Andersson Production- - SWE U Säve PSK
92 48.18 259.4687 Peter Olausson Standard- - SWE U peol GPIF
93 47.16 254.0110 Lars Olsson Production- S SWE U larso GDS
94 46.79 252.0200 Anders Håkansson Production- S SWE U Mölndals Skytteförening
95 46.57 250.8011 Rickard Örtengren Production- - SWE U rickard GPIF
96 46.42 250.0269 Johan Wahlberg Production Optics- - SWE U SäSF
97 46.33 249.5525 Carl-Johan Swahn Production- - SWE U SäSF
98 45.81 246.7059 Anders Åkesson Production- - SWE U brian72 Security group dynamics
99 45.38 244.3962 Carl-Johan Larsson Production- - SWE U Borås Pistolskyttar
100 45.37 244.3605 Robert Pettersson Open- S SWE U KornetSK
101 45.02 242.4850 Per-Ola Johansson Production Optics- S SWE U perola torups Pistolklubb
102 44.66 240.5558 Matilda Sundqvist Production- L SWE U sundqvist Jönköpings PK
103 43.82 236.0288 Hubert Jansson Production- - SWE U Security Group Dynamics
104 42.93 231.2417 Oscar Brännudd Production- S SWE U obra SSF
105 42.01 226.2576 Fredrik Gustafsson Production- - SWE U fredrikgsson Mölndals Skytteförening
106 41.22 221.9891 Olle Nilsson Production- - SWE U novichok SSF
107 41.05 221.1138 Marie S.W. Production- L SWE U supermom GPIF
108 40.49 218.0571 Fredrik Bäckström Production- S SWE U luckyluke Mölndals Skytteförening
109 40.47 217.9526 Mathias Elmeskog Production- - SWE U elmeskog GGSF
110 40.23 216.6825 Fredrik Andersson Production- - SWE U frippe UPSF
111 39.20 211.0997 Anders Ohlsson Production- - SWE U spoton MSF
112 38.32 206.3787 Johan Gertsson Production Optics- - SWE U gzon SäSF
113 37.15 200.1060 Wilma Andersson Standard- L SWE U wilmis Torups Pk
114 36.96 199.0447 Teresa Kilen Production- L SWE U kickingfoot SSF
115 36.95 199.0301 Niklas Engebretsen Production- S SWE U P4 DS
116 36.92 198.8365 Per-Olof Emanuelsson Production Optics- SS SWE U axel Torups pk
117 36.91 198.7859 Anna Johansson Standard- L SWE U anna GPIF
118 36.74 197.8934 Bob Asiphong Production- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
119 36.74 197.8847 Michaela Turunen Production- L SWE U madicken SSF
120 36.38 195.9474 Martin Forsberg Standard- S SWE U martin Skepplanda Skytteförening
121 34.91 188.0019 Joachim Nilsson Standard- - SWE U GPIF
122 34.32 184.8614 Karl Lindeberg Production- - SWE U SäSF
123 34.22 184.2847 Markus Thorstensson Revolver- - SWE U thorsten SSF
124 34.14 183.8640 Peder Schütt Standard- - SWE U Skepplanda Skytteförening
125 33.89 182.5024 Daniel Svärd Production- - SWE U Jönköping pk
126 33.45 180.1341 Robin Hennix Production- - SWE U GGSF
127 33.39 179.8305 Christian Johansson Standard- S SWE U VSD
128 32.72 176.2358 Magnus Fogel Production- S SWE U SäSF
129 30.28 163.0749 Tomislav Kuna Production- - SWE U Jönköping PK
130 29.08 156.6390 Zoltan Koncz Production- S SWE U Säve psk
131 27.77 149.5440 Matthias Hellberg Production- - SWE U matte Säve
132 26.82 144.4531 Thomas Elehag Standard+ SS SWE U elis Säve psk
133 26.29 141.5878 Jakob Friman Production- - SWE U GGSF
134 23.73 127.8037 Mats Johnsson Production- S SWE U UPSF
135 23.09 124.3724 Peter Martinsson Production- - SWE U GGSF
136 18.38 98.9909 Simon Martinsson Production- - SWE U GGSF
137 5.38 28.9578 Martin Fredriksson Production- - SWE U ltmp Mölndals Skytteförening
138 0.00 0.0000 Jonas Kalldert Standard- - SWE U kalldert SSF
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