First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 766.6675 Russell Hicks Mini Rifle Open S GBR U gbruss Worcester Norton SC
2 84.89 650.7926 Pete Thornton Mini Rifle Open S GBR U sneakypete Bedford
3 58.29 446.8874 Nick Ward Mini Rifle Open S GBR U BCR&PA
4 46.50 356.5098 Dave Hutty Mini Rifle Open S GBR U NHRPC
5 45.94 352.1875 Roger Hadfield Mini Rifle Open S GBR U Bolton Gun Club
6 34.74 266.3597 Mark Bennell Mini Rifle Open S GBR U Worcester Norton SC
7 27.01 207.0572 Walter Robinson Mini Rifle Open S GBR U Glasgow and District
8 25.49 195.4408 Lee Hopgood Mini Rifle Open S GBR U lee Worcester Norton Shooting Club
9 25.14 192.7575 Andy Ramsay Mini Rifle Open S GBR U CSAC
10 19.73 151.2882 Guy Thompson Mini Rifle Open S GBR D Lodge Pistol Club
11 18.70 143.3777 William Urmston Mini Rifle Open S GBR U Bolton Gun Club
12 17.31 132.7056 Gary Waugh Mini Rifle Open S GBR B marywoo N.E. P.S.G.
13 13.40 102.7289 Greg Dixon-Smith Mini Rifle Open S USA U WNSC
14 11.49 88.0831 Tony Gee Mini Rifle Open S GBR U Bolton Gun Club
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