First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1000.2346 Russell Hicks Rimfire Open- S GBR U gbruss Worcester Norton SC
2 71.58 715.9495 Nick Weber Rimfire Open- SS GBR U BCRPA
3 55.29 553.0047 Barry Bell Rimfire Standard- - GBR U Bolton Gun Club
4 42.37 423.7865 Norman Humphries Rimfire Open- SS GBR U worcester norton
5 41.72 417.3306 Stephen Foord Rimfire Standard- - GBR U Bolton gun club
6 38.51 385.1572 Gareth Biddle Open+ SS GBR U Worcester Norton SC
7 33.75 337.5551 michael Brooks Rimfire Standard- SS GBR U WNSC
8 33.21 332.2205 Mark Bennell Rimfire Open- S GBR U Worcester Norton SC
9 31.86 318.6955 Bob Oakley Open- SS GBR U WNSC
10 19.19 191.9695 Andrew DUFFY Pistol Caliber Carbine- SS GBR U METROPOLITAN POLICE SHOOTING CLUB
11 15.61 156.1562 Peter West Rimfire Standard- - GBR U BCRPA
12 15.12 151.2506 Gary Waugh Rimfire Standard- S GBR B marywoo N.E. P.S.G.
13 13.14 131.3817 Jon Williamson Rimfire Open- SS GBR C Worcester Norton Shooting Club
14 10.57 105.7206 Geoff Bell Rimfire Standard- SS GBR U GSAC
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