First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 661.5087 Nick Weber Open SS GBR U BCRPA
2 97.79 646.8905 Anthony Witts Open SS GBR U BCR&PA
3 59.09 390.9123 Peter Dronfield Open S GBR U ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
4 27.31 180.6489 Jeremy Thornton Open S GBR U UKPSA
5 21.96 145.2694 Graeme Cushion Open SS GBR U North Cotes Butts
6 17.52 115.9213 Grahame Dudley Open SS GBR U North Cotes Butts
7 11.21 74.1810 Kris Tanaka Open S GBR U ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
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