First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 577.6547 Claire Ardron Modified L GBR U North Cotes
2 92.26 532.9322 Allen Ardron Modified SS GBR B North Cotes
3 89.75 518.4195 Kevin Coupland Modified - GBR D North Cotes Butts
4 89.05 514.4132 Adam Beckett Modified - GBR U North Cotes
5 88.24 509.7315 Bill Morris Modified SS GBR U North Cotes Butts
6 73.09 422.2217 Dan North Modified - GBR C North cotes butts
7 62.57 361.4453 Pat Savage Modified L GBR U North Cotes Butts
8 22.81 131.7639 Chris Wakefield Modified - GBR M chriswakey
9 21.09 121.8031 Ian Merrick Modified S GBR U North Coats The Butts
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