First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 516.5872 Martin Da Prato Standard SS GBR U Club member
2 68.79 355.3446 Frank Kelly Standard SS GBR U Recoil Scotland
3 58.19 300.6080 Peter Savage Standard SS GBR U North Cotes Butts
4 41.60 214.8956 Geoff Bell Standard SS GBR U GSAC
5 35.08 181.2009 John Clifton Standard SS GBR U ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
6 32.67 168.7619 Nick Du Plessis Standard SS GBR U North Cotes Butts
7 18.82 97.2284 Jon Clough Standard SS GBR U North Cotes Butts
8 17.12 88.4632 Bob Grierson Standard SS GBR U CSAC
9 14.49 74.8779 Rafik Caprelian Standard SS GBR U Carlisle
10 6.93 35.7770 Dave Shaw Standard SS GBR U North Cotes Butts
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