First name
Last name
1 100.00 487.3859 Simen Amundsen Production Optics- - NOR M siam NOP
2 92.34 450.0406 Thomas Nordvi Production Optics- - NOR U tnor NOP
3 89.37 435.5949 Terje Andersen Production Optics- - NOR B triggerterje NOP
4 88.44 431.0438 Tore Haugli Standard+ - NOR M thaugli NOP
5 87.27 425.3374 Folke Myrvang Production- S NOR A folkem NOP
6 72.23 352.0476 Jens Berentzen Standard+ - NOR U berentz NOP
7 71.83 350.1135 Sondre Nervold Production- - NOR U NOP
8 65.21 317.8086 Lars Mørk Production- - NOR U larsmork NOP
9 62.97 306.8966 Halvor Ajer Production- S NOR U NOP
10 59.42 289.6221 Hans-Jakob Arnestad Open- S NOR U raven33 NOP
11 59.28 288.8996 Inger Skjold Bratli Production- L NOR U ingerskjold NOP
12 56.39 274.8241 Jonas Tryggvason Production Optics- - NOR U NOP
13 51.88 252.8327 Åsmund Hanevik Production- S NOR U NOP
14 49.53 241.4102 Tony Wangdu Production- S NOR U NOP
15 48.89 238.2780 Thomas Kjensmo Production Optics- - NOR U tk72 NOP
16 45.40 221.2675 Aksel Gresvig Classic+ - NOR U agresvig NOP
17 45.31 220.8372 Kristian Rasmussen Production- - NOR D NOP
18 40.78 198.7556 Eirik Sannes Production- - NOR U eirik NOP
19 38.64 188.3468 Enzo Beschi Classic- - NOR U enzobeschi NOP
20 26.51 129.2181 Camilla E Dahlin Classic- L NOR U NOP
21 24.33 118.5953 Dag Sylte Pedersen Standard- S NOR U dagspedersen NOP
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