First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 556.0024 Bjarte Drange Standard+ S NOR U NHPK
2 93.43 519.4935 Morten Myking Standard- - NOR U Nordhordland Pistolklubb (NHPK)
3 79.76 443.4624 Per Sørstrønen Standard+ - NOR U perpistol BSK
4 76.46 425.1363 Hans Martin Ese Standard- S NOR U hansa BSK
5 74.76 415.6489 Ole André Veiberg Standard+ - NOR U BEP
6 73.07 406.2575 Aun Egil Vikør Standard- - NOR U orientexpress UPK
7 70.64 392.7735 Christer Garmann Standard- - NOR U chrigar BEP
8 62.72 348.7150 Torgeir Øydvin Standard- - NOR U UPK
9 56.76 315.6041 Kåre Sundland Standard- - NOR U sundland BSK
10 54.75 304.4110 Kjartan Vikør Standard- - NOR U UPK
11 47.99 266.8279 Harald Kismul Standard- - NOR U BSK
12 20.89 116.1428 Katharina Vikør Standard- - NOR U UPK
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