results for TFS Godkjenningskurs 2 1/5-2021

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First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 80.0000 Karl Torkildsen Custom- S NOR C karl Trondheim Feltskyttere
2 68.09 54.4683 Gunnar Rolfseng Custom- - NOR U gunrol Trondheim Feltskyttere
3 66.00 52.8026 Ingjard Sandhei Custom- - NOR U TFS
4 49.83 39.8608 Wiktor Miesok Custom- - NOR U Trondheim Feltskyttere
5 49.50 39.6000 Imre Andreas Koteng Custom- - NOR U Trondheim Feltskyttere (TFS)
6 44.04 35.2307 Fredrik Ive Pedersen Custom- - NOR U Trondheim Feltskyttere (TFS)
7 38.81 31.0491 David Kollsete Custom- - NOR U TFS
8 17.28 13.8226 Daniel Reinkind Custom- - NOR U Trondheim feltskyttere (tfs)
9 15.42 12.3386 Harald Kitel Custom- SS AFG U icantread TFS
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