First name
Last name
1 100.00 306.9474 Terje Woll Open+ - NOR U wollern SSS
2 92.25 283.1581 Egil Christoffer Bjorheim Production- - NOR U hjortefot SSS
3 87.28 267.9125 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- - NOR U jrk SSS
4 81.06 248.8217 Ingebjørn Solheim Standard- - NOR U nobear SSS
5 76.44 234.6268 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production Optics- - NOR U ani SSS
6 66.53 204.2131 Per Magne Knutsen Production- - NOR U SSS
7 61.71 189.4107 Thomas Olaussen Revolver- - NOR U longrange SSS
8 57.24 175.6924 Henrik Reianes Open- - NOR U gromle SSS
9 55.37 169.9435 Kjartan Gausland Production- - NOR U SSS
10 52.44 160.9503 Joakim Olufsen Production- - NOR U SSS
11 45.30 139.0420 Kim Arild Thomassen Standard- - NOR U SOP
12 40.76 125.1041 Fredrik Skarbøvik Production- - NOR U Stavanger Sportskytterlag
13 37.83 116.1113 Kåre Svaboe Standard+ S USA U SSS
14 36.56 112.2220 Peder Anders Andersen Production- S NOR U S-ssl
15 36.22 111.1880 Ronny Espeland Standard- - NOR U SSS
16 31.07 95.3595 Donatas Raizys Production Optics- S NOR U SOP
17 28.76 88.2660 Leon Osvoll Larsen Production- - NOR U Stavanger SSL
18 23.44 71.9541 Morten Årstad Hauge Production- - NOR U Stavanger Sports Skytterlag
19 22.74 69.7976 Johan Walter Johnsen Production- - NOR U
20 21.22 65.1392 Kristian Hauge Production- - NOR U Stavanger sportskytterlag
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