First name
Last name
1 100.00 1544.4853 Simo Partanen Open+ J FIN U Haminan Practical Ampujat
2 99.48 1536.4111 Johan Hansen Open+ S SWE GM hansen VDS
3 94.20 1454.9275 Johan Nordberg Open+ - SWE U johann GDS
4 93.41 1442.7056 Frank Sandås Open+ - NOR M celeritas OKTS
5 92.04 1421.4900 lars-tony skoog Open+ - SWE U skoogis spsk
6 89.05 1375.3707 Bjarne Larning Open+ - SWE U VSD
7 89.02 1374.8291 Joakim Wallin Open+ - SWE A sveaskogen VSD
8 85.98 1327.9314 Terje Finsrud Open+ - NOR A getaway MPK
9 83.85 1295.0396 Ivan Lundgren Open+ - SWE U gungun Klinte SKG
10 83.63 1291.6406 Magnus Johansson Production- - SWE GM sigsauer IPSC Växjö
11 83.48 1289.3229 are johansen Open+ - NOR U arjo38 MPK
12 83.41 1288.3199 Erik Stjernlöf Open+ - SWE U starloef GDS
13 81.57 1259.7958 Rasmus Gyllenberg Production- - SWE U gylla GPIF
14 79.95 1234.7590 Carsten Samuelsen Open+ - DNK U sonos SSIN
15 79.44 1226.9135 Richard Solberg Open+ - NOR U carburetti MPK
16 78.97 1219.7436 Pär Hylander Open+ - SWE U hylander Laholms Psk
17 78.70 1215.4602 Jens Söderlund Open+ - SWE U nanoti Sandvikens Pistol Klubb
18 78.38 1210.5511 Odd Strengenes Production- - NOR U oddman Hamar Praktiske Skyttere
19 77.76 1200.9156 Robert Söderström Production- - SWE U dvc73 MSG
20 77.70 1200.0877 Mats O. Bäckström Standard+ - SWE U dalmas4 MSG
21 77.24 1193.0322 Per-Ola Rasmussen Production- - SWE U perola GDS
22 77.08 1190.4477 Robert Andersson Standard+ - SWE GM rubanksps GDS
23 76.55 1182.3345 Anders Christiansen Open+ - NOR M mossac MPK
24 75.96 1173.1629 Niklas Arabäck Open+ - SWE U nboy VSD
25 75.85 1171.5667 Johan Modigh Production- - SWE U jj84 P4 dynamiska skyttar
26 75.60 1167.6450 Peter Schieck Open+ S DNK U zig4 SSIN
27 75.46 1165.4644 Jens Sandberg Open+ - SWE U jens VSD
28 75.08 1159.6576 Lars Hagemann Production- - DNK GM hagemann SIRT
29 74.74 1154.3092 Peter Kastell Production- - SWE U kastell TPK
30 73.93 1141.8044 Peter Davis Open+ - DNK U grendel
31 73.81 1139.9158 Andreas Danko Production- - DNK U
32 73.31 1132.2561 Jari Kurttio Open+ - SWE U goldgun IPSC Örebro
33 73.22 1130.8341 Jack Rømer Production- - DNK U theripper Ares
34 72.51 1119.8565 Michael Gjelsø Open+ - DNK U cossie CPS/BVS
35 72.05 1112.7604 Daniel Holmberg Open+ - SWE U rioter MSG
36 72.02 1112.3648 Hans Gustafsson Open- - SWE U SGD
37 71.50 1104.2983 Gert Erling Hansen Open+ S DNK U bossman Nyk.sj
38 71.46 1103.6251 Tomas Nilsson Open+ - SWE U mansell Sthlm M&P
39 70.53 1089.3928 Carlo Comi Standard+ - NOR U axxo MPK
40 69.37 1071.4774 Rene Mortensen Standard+ - DNK U boggieman SSIN
41 69.32 1070.6380 Jim Larsén Open+ - SWE U slimjim LVF
42 69.24 1069.3754 Rino olsen Production- - NOR U rinos MPK
43 69.06 1066.6021 vesa kosola Open+ S FIN U vs-va
44 68.62 1059.7550 Tobias Lund Open+ - DNK U SSIN
45 68.54 1058.5361 Per Wiklander Standard- - SWE U lykantrop Ystad
46 67.84 1047.7440 Magnus von Brömsen Open+ S SWE U brake6 VSD
47 67.42 1041.2805 Sven Lundberg Standard+ - SWE U sven IPSC Västerås
48 67.36 1040.4003 Morten Klov Production- S NOR U morten SSL
49 67.27 1038.9460 David Ståhl Open+ - SWE U goliat40 GDS
50 67.02 1035.0458 Pekka Partanen Open+ S FIN U Haminan Practical Ampujat
51 66.57 1028.1623 Fredrik Wildemo Production- - SWE U fredwild STHLM M&P
52 65.88 1017.5658 Eric Carlsson Production- - SWE U ericar Torups PK
53 65.87 1017.3331 Rune Vikeby Standard+ S NOR A fasthweel SSL
54 65.42 1010.3488 Henrik Kedfors Production- - SWE U JPK
55 65.34 1009.2327 Klas Lundberg Production- - SWE U kfl69 IPSC Västerås
56 64.97 1003.4097 Kristian bartholin Open+ - DNK U bartholin Ssin
57 64.84 1001.4345 Orvar Bäcklin Production- - SWE U htfu BESK
58 64.74 999.9620 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- - SWE U happyhunter RJPS
59 64.44 995.2251 jonas renström Standard+ - SWE U jonas sandvikens psk
60 64.37 994.2212 Peter Svedberg Production- S SWE U svedde sundsvalls dynamiska skyttar
61 63.79 985.2803 Daniel Lilienberg Open+ - SWE U mcping HPK
62 63.74 984.4713 Kristian Säkki Production- - SWE U Sandviken
63 63.17 975.6073 Esa Blom Production- - FIN A 3184 vs-va
64 63.15 975.4146 Mikael Olsson Production- S SWE U mikols14 GPIF
65 63.14 975.1924 Mikael Jung Standard+ - SWE U jung Växjö-PK
66 62.18 960.3353 Eirik Aanonsen Open+ - NOR U dukenukem DSSA
67 61.95 956.8596 Lene Olaug Kråkø Standard+ L NOR U diligentia OKTS
68 61.48 949.5381 Fredrik Jacobsson Production- - SWE U frejac01 Security Group Dynamics
69 61.40 948.3246 Niclas Dal Production- - SWE U nickeklick Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
70 61.35 947.5939 Christian Ditlev Jensen Production- - DNK U stagebum SSIN
71 61.33 947.2617 Alexander Stankovic Production- - SWE U sasa Linköping Shooting Club
72 61.23 945.7067 L Erik Bjalkvall Open- - SWE U 3gunner Stockholm LVF
73 60.97 941.7009 Kim Frandsen Standard- - DNK U mindstorm Struer
74 60.78 938.6709 Faj Tran Classic+ - SWE U fajsan KULLEN IPSC
75 60.74 938.1207 Kent Stangvik Production- S SWE U nordicraven SES
76 60.19 929.5668 Jostein Berntsen Standard+ - NOR U dartvidar MPK
77 60.08 927.9091 Johan Ström Production- - SWE U strom LSC
78 59.57 920.1225 Tor Ola Sletmoen Production- - NOR U tsletmoen Hamar Praktiske Skyttere
79 59.52 919.2606 Fredrik Ekstrand Production- - SWE U neke Sandviken IPSC
80 59.49 918.8849 Tåbbe Asplind Production- - SWE U aspen Södertörns SK
81 59.23 914.8656 Norah Josephsen Production- L DNK U norah DPK
82 59.17 913.8450 Stefan Johannesson Production- S SWE U st3f4n GPIF
83 59.09 912.6317 Jørgen Rigtrup Open+ S DNK U Copenhagen Practical Shooters
84 59.05 911.9649 gunnar roos Open+ S NOR U thegunner MPK
85 58.99 911.1429 Christer Back Standard+ S SWE U 40sw GPIF
86 58.41 902.0776 Per Vangsnes Open+ S NOR U perv SSL
87 58.08 897.0555 Mats Karlsson Production- - SWE U yaps MSG
88 58.07 896.9155 Håkon Myklebust Production- - NOR C bamse KPG
89 58.03 896.2020 Gustav Bergenstråle Standard- - SWE U VSD
90 57.94 894.8191 Tomas Hellström Standard+ - SWE U MSG
91 57.83 893.1097 Victor Svensson Production- - SWE U sheriffen RJPS
92 57.11 882.1190 Tony Forslund Open+ S SWE U foppa VSD
93 57.07 881.4353 Hannu Maunula Production- S FIN U VS-VA
94 57.01 880.4780 Andreas Johansson Production- - SWE U bossetiger HPK/GDS
95 56.72 875.9913 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK U SSIN
96 56.61 874.2958 Teddi Sörensson Production- - SWE U futump MSG
97 56.37 870.5735 Joakim Lindberg Production- - SWE U jolin76 HPK
98 56.19 867.8653 Tina Oskarsson Production- L SWE U xena Växjö PK
99 55.73 860.7770 Søren Larsen Production- - DNK U wessel Ssin
100 55.72 860.5801 Tomas Ainebeck Production- - SWE U aimbush GPIF
101 55.69 860.0645 Markus Alvestad Standard- - NOR U maxks Moss PK
102 55.03 849.8971 Magnus Granqvist Production- - SWE U kotte69 Bergslagens Skyttar
103 54.93 848.4523 Johan Friberg Production- - SWE U GPIF
104 54.48 841.4462 Håkan Wiren Standard- - SWE U Luftvärnsföreningen
105 54.43 840.7026 Claus Stahnke Standard- S DNK U bengunn SSIN
106 54.05 834.7368 Robert Rob Andersson Standard+ - SWE U rad Södertörns SK
107 53.89 832.3373 kristoffer selen Open+ - NOR U bullet Moss pk
108 53.75 830.1009 Tomas Frisell Production- - SWE U frisse Stockholms Militära & Polisiära skyttar
109 53.42 825.0700 Karsten P. Sørensen Open+ - DNK U
110 53.39 824.6041 Johan Svanmark Production- - SWE U G.P.I.F
111 53.27 822.7665 Rasmus Saxild Standard- - DNK U SSIN
112 53.24 822.2823 Christer karlsson Production- - SWE U nsslt NPSK
113 53.22 821.9117 Rune Gulbrandsen Standard+ - SWE U dozer Växjö PK
114 53.17 821.2716 Henrik Berntsson Classic+ - SWE U punisher GPIF
115 53.12 820.4696 Kyrre Lee Production- - NOR U bombom ssl
116 52.97 818.1896 Marianne Hansen Production- L SWE U marsch VDS
117 52.85 816.2090 Kalle Halvarsson Revolver- - SWE U Rjps
118 52.84 816.0578 Tony Wendelklint Production- - SWE U klintan GPIF
119 52.73 814.4538 Bjørn Greve Production- - NOR U BPK
120 52.24 806.8953 Kristoffer Børke Production- - NOR U HPS
121 51.99 802.9807 Ted Åhlénius Production- - SWE U ted Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
122 51.73 799.0330 Ola Forsberg Standard+ - SWE U forsbergo Södertörns SK
123 51.72 798.8741 Fredrik Pettersson Production- - SWE U dvc Oxelösunds Dynamiska Skyttar
124 51.55 796.1069 chris jonkers Standard+ - SWE U chijo GuDS
125 51.50 795.3519 Jiro Nihei Production- - SWE U zatoichi LVF
126 50.56 780.9260 Patrik Sundell Open- - SWE D tacticalviking LVF
127 50.55 780.7826 Andreas Bagoly Production- - SWE U baggen Stockholm m&p
128 50.47 779.4700 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick Södertörns SK
129 50.41 778.5109 Bjørn Lindblad Production- - NOR U beteel Moss PK
130 50.21 775.5414 Max Gidhagen Production- - SWE U maxgid Sthlm M&P
131 49.69 767.3807 Erik Larsson Production- - SWE U eqlazer GDS
132 49.65 766.8297 Mikael Anhanger Production- - SWE U anhanger GPIF
133 49.47 764.0904 Patrik Hållpås Standard- - SWE U patrik Security Group Dynamics
134 49.42 763.3603 Ulrik Saxhøj Production- - DNK U jafro Slagelse
135 49.25 760.6892 Johan Lindquist Production- - SWE U nahoj Mölndals Skytteförening
136 48.98 756.4919 Erik Lindström Production- - SWE U orca VSD
137 48.91 755.4835 Mårten Sehlstedt Standard- - SWE U marten Skelleftea PSF
138 48.42 747.8395 Henrik Laursen Standard- - DNK U SSIN
139 48.38 747.1828 Heinz Johansson Open+ S SWE U heinza62 Oxelösunds DS
140 48.28 745.7065 Per Forsling Production- - SWE U slowfeet Åby SK
141 48.17 743.9599 John Johansson Production- - SWE U jonken Klinte Skyttegille
142 48.03 741.7526 Mikael Rönnqvist Production- - FIN A 3405 VSVA
143 47.67 736.2628 Magnus Lundström Production- - SWE U maglun GDS
144 47.42 732.4542 Oskar Andersson Production- - SWE U spalla Lesjöfors Pistolskytteklubb
145 47.30 730.6008 Lars Kilen Production- - SWE U smen VSD Västsvenska dynamiker
146 47.29 730.4536 Espen Skancke Fiskebeck Production- - NOR B esp1 HPS
147 47.14 728.0304 Carl Danielson Production- - SWE U kexet NPSK
148 47.07 727.0041 Fredrik Sunnermark Standard+ - SWE U qarlzon S:t Eskils Skyttar
149 47.04 726.5771 Martin Sundh Production- - SWE U MSF
150 46.79 722.7249 Stilianos Simeonidis Production- - SWE U odysseus Lvf
151 46.52 718.5301 Cecilia Lindberg Production- L SWE U chitchi GPIF
152 46.42 716.9468 Christer Andersson Standard- - SWE U santo77 MSF
153 46.39 716.4903 Anders Eriksson Standard- - SWE U Mölndals Skytteförening
154 46.25 714.3990 Jonas Björk Revolver+ - SWE U whistler Jönköpings PK
155 46.16 712.8607 Selcuk Kahraman Production- - DNK U KS
156 45.99 710.2326 Toni Kaic Standard- - SWE U kaic Laholms PSK
157 45.96 709.8387 Mikael Janeman Classic+ - SWE U jman JPK
158 45.87 708.5034 Peter Lindberg Production- - SWE U VSD
159 45.87 708.4882 magnus boström Open+ - SWE U IPSC Örebro
160 45.83 707.7608 Hans Wallstedt Production- - SWE U dallas68 Security Group Dynamics
161 45.75 706.5889 Olof Sjoden Standard+ S SWE U olof Nykopings PK
162 45.67 705.3852 Per-Erik Hessling Production- - SWE U VDS
163 45.53 703.1591 Daniel Härelind Production- - SWE U backbreaker Jönköpings PK
164 45.36 700.6146 Alfredo Wang Pallin Production- - SWE U awp LVF
165 45.26 698.9753 Madelen Berg Production- L SWE U madly Södertörns SK IPSC
166 45.18 697.8545 Håkan Johansson Standard+ - SWE D hawkan Stockholms LVF
167 44.96 694.3844 Mathias Pettersson Standard+ - SWE U GDS
168 44.59 688.6572 Marcus Tengvall Production- - SWE U BOPS-IPSC
169 44.16 681.9848 Jan Skånberg Standard- S SWE U jos VSD
170 43.97 679.1200 Ronny Andreassen Standard- - SWE U matrix99 Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
171 43.37 669.8941 Patrik Winell Classic- - SWE U winell Linköping Shooting Club
172 42.93 662.9895 Kjell R. Kjørstad Standard+ - NOR U einherjer KPG
173 42.70 659.5635 Pär Iwers Standard- - SWE U Bops
174 42.37 654.4590 Magnus "Texas" Andersson Production- - SWE U texas GDS/HPK
175 42.37 654.3925 Andreas Anderson Standard- - SWE U VSD
176 42.36 654.2582 anders zetterdahl Production- - SWE U zta Oxelösunds Dynaminska Skyttar
177 42.24 652.4121 Fredrik Stråhle Production- - SWE U Lidingö SSK
178 42.13 650.6559 Rickard Franzén Production- - SWE U Åby SK
179 42.04 649.2708 Johan Hansén Production- - SWE U lappen LVF
180 41.90 647.1212 jürgen raudva Production- - SWE U jura säve psk
181 41.85 646.3447 Kim Hansson Standard+ - SWE U sylta Södertörns SK
182 41.65 643.2299 Jonas Landin Standard- - SWE U
183 41.60 642.5332 Simon Christensen Production- - DNK U mrbang Struer skyttekreds
184 41.57 642.1166 Per-Erik Myrstrand Production- - SWE U UDDEVALLA PSF
185 41.52 641.2919 Jonas Winberg Standard- - SWE U Uddevalla Pistolskytteförening
186 41.50 640.9234 Stellan Forthmeijer Production- - SWE U badhabit BBSKF
187 41.44 640.0704 Christofer Hellgren Production- - SWE U Klinte Skyttegille
188 41.01 633.4493 Mats Ahlqvist Standard- - SWE U matti MSG
189 40.65 627.8226 Fredrik Klys Classic- - SWE U klys Bergslagens skyttar
190 40.54 626.1458 Albin Karlsson Standard- - SWE U smalben Mölndals Skytteförening
191 40.03 618.2580 Sofia Dohmen Production- L SWE D sofia VSD
192 40.00 617.7652 Tobias Hårdén Production- - SWE U BOPS
193 39.98 617.4699 Lars-Erik Söderén Standard+ - SWE U korn64 VSD
194 39.97 617.3957 Pierre Nordin Production- - SWE U norvsd VSD
195 39.97 617.3559 Ulf Larsson Production- - SWE U gaisakefeskeboxa HPK-GDS
196 39.71 613.3350 Ann Harding Production- L SWE U bbb Sthlm M & P
197 39.33 607.5096 Bjørn Thomas Olsen Open- - NOR U magicman DSSA
198 39.17 605.0303 Weine Samuelsson Standard- S SWE U wesa LSC
199 38.83 599.6952 Jesper Berg Production- - SWE U SGD
200 38.77 598.8051 Jon Johansson Production- S SWE U ninpo Lesjöfors Pistolskytteklubb
201 38.64 596.8485 Alexander Klanfar Production- - SWE U lexen ÅbySK
202 38.63 596.6601 Henrik Nilsson Standard- - SWE U Mölndals skytteförening
203 38.50 594.6075 Joakim Ekman Production- - SWE U coltjocke Roslagenspistolskyttar
204 38.41 593.2839 Anders Severinsson Production- - SWE U seve Stockholms LFV
205 38.33 592.0523 Javier Soler Production- - SWE U starmp9 SSK
206 38.33 592.0252 Fredrick Johansson Production- - SWE D freddieboy Stockholm LVF
207 38.30 591.5731 Daniel Gulle Production- - SWE U Rjps
208 38.29 591.3371 Peter Slättersjö Production- - SWE U KPSK
209 38.00 586.9313 Oscar Lindqvist Production- - SWE D dumle Oxelösunds Pk
210 37.99 586.8266 Johan Werner Production- - SWE U SGD
211 37.85 584.6595 Patrik Alenklint Production- - SWE U Uddevalla PSF
212 37.76 583.2604 Gabriel Lind Production- - SWE U gabbe Ormen
213 37.71 582.4487 Malin Gustavsson Production- L SWE U GDS
214 37.55 579.9949 Mikael Rineflo Standard- - SWE U Vsd
215 37.26 575.4582 Peter Stavling Production- S SWE U peter997s LVF
216 37.24 575.1197 Bo Ekman Classic+ - SWE U malish Karlstad PSK
217 37.16 573.8879 Börre Böresen Standard- - SWE U VSD
218 36.49 563.5218 Petri Kljutschnik Production- - SWE U blyspridarn GPIF Göteborg
219 36.38 561.9451 Fredrik Johansson Production- - SWE U Vsd
220 36.36 561.5480 Jonas Forslund Production- - SWE U Skepplanda SPF
221 36.25 559.8465 Johan Warholm Standard- - SWE U hk81 Laholm PSK
222 36.04 556.5950 Fredrik Johansson Production- - SWE U freddstone Roslagens Pistolskyttar
223 35.17 543.2543 Anna Sjögren Production- L SWE U aviator BBSKF
224 34.56 533.7688 Mikael Larsson Production- - SWE U Västsvenska Dynamiker
225 34.47 532.3447 Jonas Diegner Production- - SWE U BOPS
226 34.44 531.9782 Christopher Blomberg Production- - SWE U blomberg Nyköping DS
227 33.97 524.7234 Anna Vigren Production- L SWE U annanas Tyresö SKF
228 33.66 519.9241 Olle Regardt Standard- - SWE U Eksjö Dynamiska Skyttar
229 33.57 518.4914 Einar Johan Holst Production- S NOR U godtnok MPK
230 33.45 516.6287 Alexander Runesson Production- - SWE U VSD
231 33.42 516.1808 Johan Dahl Production- - SWE U afdahl VSD
232 33.19 512.5555 Johan Johansson Production- - SWE U bumpa GPIF
233 32.96 509.1161 Michael Henebratt Standard- - SWE U Eksjö DS
234 32.39 500.2467 Lars Gunnarsson Production- S SWE U Mölndals SF
235 32.12 496.0523 Tommy Gunnarsson Production- - SWE U gunnto Stockholms Försvarsutbildares Skytteförening
236 32.12 496.0421 Nicklas Persson Standard+ - SWE U ahakille Stockholms försvarsutbildares skf
237 31.90 492.6851 Jonaz Carlson Production- - SWE U jayc VSD
238 31.76 490.5619 martin jarlenäs Production- - SWE U SGD Borås
239 31.70 489.5447 Rickard Alvén Production- - SWE U ralven MSF
240 31.57 487.6185 Johanne Aspaas Open+ L NOR U OKTS
241 31.30 483.4426 Niklas Lindkvist Classic+ - SWE C humle Oxelösunds Pk
242 29.77 459.8197 Jari Asu Production- - SWE U st:eskilsskyttar
243 29.21 451.1109 Daniel Liothe Production- - SWE U munken Uddevalla Pistolskytte Förening
244 28.74 443.9488 Claes Nilsson Open+ - SWE U ice413 MSF
245 28.64 442.3836 Monika Larssen Production- L NOR U Nord sea praktisk pistolklubb
246 27.87 430.4112 Lars Regner Production- - SWE U lare VSD
247 27.71 427.9957 Andreas Johansson Production- - SWE U adde Roslagens Pistolskyttar
248 27.32 421.9426 Frida Holmkvist Production- L SWE D kakan Stockholms försvarsutbildares skytteförening
249 27.28 421.2644 Martin Lamkén Production- - SWE U Mölndals Skytteförening
250 26.73 412.8825 Tomas Aronsson Production- - SWE U Västsvenska dynamiker ( VSD )
251 25.69 396.7109 Teresa Kilen Production- L SWE U kickingfoot VSD Västsvenska dynamiker
252 25.62 395.7704 Peter Sjödin Open- - SWE U MSF
253 25.01 386.2410 Luis Soler Production- - SWE U luyazami Södertörns SK
254 24.59 379.7654 Peter Angelborn Production- S SWE U oxi Säve psk
255 24.02 371.0100 Hans Juhlin Production- - SWE U VSD
256 22.94 354.3097 Erik Lindblom Production- - SWE U ewe LVF
257 22.71 350.6862 Sabine Olovsson Andersson Production- L SWE U sabine Linköping Shooting Club
258 22.50 347.5208 Anette Lundberg Production- L SWE U
259 22.01 339.9728 Henning Lundin Production- - SWE U VSD
260 21.49 331.8715 Frida Fjeldstad Production- L NOR U MPK
261 21.37 330.0557 Marcus CF. Tinnerholm Production- - SWE U tinnman Ormen skf
262 20.12 310.7891 Malin Trabjerg Production- L SWE U SSF
263 20.04 309.5339 Stefan Björkman Production- - SWE U steb Oxelösunds Dynamiska Skyttar
264 18.41 284.3753 Joakim Hansson Production- - SWE U BOPS
265 11.86 183.1234 Jimmy Johnsson Standard- - SWE U jdt Åby SK
266 11.80 182.2015 Malin Nordin Production- L SWE U Västsvenska Dynamiker
267 9.23 142.4805 Dan Liljeström Production- - SWE U liljestrom BOPS
268 9.03 139.4573 jolie raudva Production- J SWE U jora säve psk
269 8.57 132.3750 Peter Larsson Production- - SWE U pelar VSD
270 7.62 117.7483 Robert Gunnarsson Production- - SWE U rollo VSD
271 2.23 34.4484 Mikael Flyckt Production- - SWE U flyckt VSD
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