First name
Last name
1 100.00 1094.4728 Norah Josephsen Production- L DNK U norah DPK
2 94.19 1030.8786 Tina Oskarsson Production- L SWE U xena Växjö PK
3 89.03 974.4392 Marianne Hansen Production- L SWE U marsch VDS
4 77.79 851.3637 Cecilia Lindberg Production- L SWE U chitchi GPIF
5 75.86 830.2922 Madelen Berg Production- L SWE U madly Södertörns SK IPSC
6 67.26 736.1534 Sofia Dohmen Production- L SWE D sofia VSD
7 67.11 734.4941 Ann Harding Production- L SWE U bbb Sthlm M & P
8 62.83 687.6313 Malin Gustavsson Production- L SWE U GDS
9 58.55 640.7879 Anna Sjögren Production- L SWE U aviator BBSKF
10 56.83 622.0351 Anna Vigren Production- L SWE U annanas Tyresö SKF
11 47.95 524.8423 Monika Larssen Production- L NOR U Nord sea praktisk pistolklubb
12 45.53 498.2910 Frida Holmkvist Production- L SWE D kakan Stockholms försvarsutbildares skytteförening
13 42.98 470.3686 Teresa Kilen Production- L SWE U kickingfoot VSD Västsvenska dynamiker
14 37.51 410.5768 Sabine Olovsson Andersson Production- L SWE U sabine Linköping Shooting Club
15 37.14 406.4671 Anette Lundberg Production- L SWE U
16 35.48 388.2762 Frida Fjeldstad Production- L NOR U MPK
17 33.39 365.4642 Malin Trabjerg Production- L SWE U SSF
18 19.36 211.8697 Malin Nordin Production- L SWE U Västsvenska Dynamiker
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