First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 657.5659 wayne Hammond Production- SS ZAF A rogue Golden City
2 94.19 619.3505 Wyn Robertson Production- S ZAF U win Golden city
3 87.97 578.4836 Lehan Potgieter Production- SJ ZAF U minicane Golden City
4 86.05 565.8266 Schalk Du Plessis Production- - ZAF U schalk Golden City
5 84.08 552.8560 Gideon Carstens Production- - ZAF B kassie CG3847
6 67.54 444.0931 Peter Holmes Production- SS ZAF C pistol Spartan
7 59.65 392.2464 Ivan Babachev Production- - ZAF U babayaga Golden City
8 59.56 391.6348 Duane Wessels Production- - ZAF U Golden City 6046
9 55.06 362.0345 Brent Africa Production- S ZAF U Golden City
10 42.52 279.6064 Nicky Klacar Production- L ZAF U Golden City
11 40.73 267.8300 Beverly Pancoust Production- L ZAF U Golden City 6057
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