First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 533.9041 Patrik Fritzson Standard- S SWE U SSF
2 95.76 511.2416 Patrik Hållpås Standard- S SWE U patrik Security Group Dynamics
3 95.41 509.4020 Alf Wallblom Standard- S SWE U awall UPSF
4 92.78 495.3784 Martin Wistrand Standard- S SWE U UPSF
5 79.97 426.9449 Thomas Bengtsson Standard- S SWE U fanthomas GDS
6 76.93 410.7141 Jan Anderberg Standard- S SWE U Sävepsk
7 64.60 344.9219 Glenn Vennberg Standard- SS SWE U baraglenn SäSF
8 61.24 326.9777 Jörgen Karlsson Standard- S SWE U SäSF
9 44.97 240.1010 Martin Forsberg Standard- S SWE U martin Skepplanda Skytteförening
10 36.89 196.9597 Thomas Elehag Standard+ SS SWE U elis Säve psk
11 33.63 179.5480 Wilma Andersson Standard- L SWE U wilmis Torups Pk
12 33.32 177.8916 Michael Rosenberg Standard- S SWE U SäSF
13 30.70 163.8827 Peder Schütt Standard- - SWE U Skepplanda Skytteförening
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