results for OKTS godkjenningsmatch

Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 240.0000 Tom Jonas Røysheim Production- - NOR U
2 66.74 160.1675 Pål Roger Stange Production- - NOR U lm5 Tokke Pistolklubb
3 62.06 148.9544 Mike Holm Production- - NOR U ASLD
4 61.76 148.2251 Andreas W. Rasmussen Production- - NOR U Norske Officerers Pistolklub (NOP)
5 58.82 141.1622 Marte Rime Production- L NOR U Lillestrøm og omegn pistolklubb
6 49.41 118.5804 Jonas Amundsen Production- - NOR U
7 0.00 0.0000 Ole Vik Production- - NOR U OKTS
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