First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 181.9542 Magnus Rylander Production- - SWE U magryl Växjö Pk
2 94.18 171.3556 Patric Stenemo Production- - SWE U mos Växjö PK
3 93.70 170.4982 Daniel Mattsson Production- - SWE U matzione BOPS
4 89.17 162.2539 Tomas Frisell Production- S SWE U frisse STHLM M&P
5 88.45 160.9423 Allan Bergman Production- - SWE U dosch Security Group Dynamics
6 85.74 156.0003 Jonny Ahlström Production- - USA U jalle STHLM M&P
7 83.71 152.3180 Patrik Esberg Production- - SWE U LxSSF
8 79.76 145.1202 Martin Davoust Production- - SWE U davoust Växjö PK
9 79.01 143.7537 Martin Rydenborg Production- - SWE U Växjö PK
10 78.13 142.1605 Anders Björk Production- - SWE U bjork Security Group Dynamics
11 76.68 139.5205 Mikael K Production- S SWE U
12 75.93 138.1536 Tomas Egefjord Production- - SWE U tomastomat BSSK
13 75.66 137.6636 Fredrik Funseth Production- - SWE U funtan BSSK
14 73.76 134.2072 Måns Pihlquist Production- - SWE U echo01 Ystads Dynamiska SKF
15 67.43 122.6929 Jonatan Stofkoper Production- - SWE U snowball Borlänge PS
16 65.34 118.8841 Patrik Dalsjö Production- S SWE U ardbeg PK Ena
17 64.89 118.0730 Mattias Högström Production- - SWE U mattias Lidingö Sportskytte Klubb
18 64.56 117.4632 Kjell Andersson Production- - SWE U Trosa PK
19 63.20 114.9945 Håkan Stoltz Production- S SWE U stoltz Ystads Dynamiska SKF (YDSKF)
20 62.90 114.4532 Harald Stare Production- - SWE U PK Ena
21 60.44 109.9729 Anders Pettersson Production- - SWE U NLSC
22 59.88 108.9534 Filip Mårtensson Production- - SWE U fippe Ystads Dynamiska SKF
23 59.80 108.8127 Orjan Magnusson Production- SS SWE U saccinappi Ystad
24 58.13 105.7654 Rickard Eriksson Production- - SWE U rickarde RPS
25 58.00 105.5302 Emanuel Pettersson Production- - SWE U RPS
26 57.84 105.2371 Wilhelm Odelstierna Production- - SWE U STHLM M&P
27 57.46 104.5504 Sebastian Rantakare Production- - SWE U PK Ena
28 55.39 100.7766 Bengt Mårtensson Production- - SWE U dueltone Ystads DSKF
29 53.40 97.1563 simon kjellstrom Production- - SWE U sikj Tpk
30 52.36 95.2666 Simon Runnvik Production- - SWE U Bops
31 51.53 93.7676 Anders Åkesson Production- - SWE U brian72 Security group dynamics
32 50.85 92.5194 Peter Larsson Production- - SWE U grumpyshepherd Ystads DSKF
33 49.00 89.1556 Martin Erks Production- - SWE U ADS
34 48.21 87.7237 Andreas Laine Production- - SWE U Borlänges PS (BOPS)
35 48.06 87.4543 Richard Perez Production- - SWE U Boo Skytteförening
36 47.85 87.0698 Anders Haqwinzon Production- - SWE U BOPS
37 44.78 81.4852 Pelle Jacobsson Production- SS SWE U pcs OSKF
38 43.18 78.5629 Anna Undebjörk Production- - SWE U pangbruden NLSC
39 42.71 77.7198 Fabian Åström Production- - SWE U Emmaboda SKF
40 40.89 74.3984 Daniel Aronsson Production- - SWE U sinsinatra PK Ena
41 40.70 74.0636 Fredrik Asklund Production- S SWE U BBSKF
42 39.57 72.0026 Filip NotKnown Production- - SWE U generalen BOPS
43 38.99 70.9489 Tom Bryant-Meisner Production- S SWE U Lvf
44 36.16 65.8002 Fredrik Niord Production- - SWE U Dala-MP
45 35.72 65.0008 Matts Hune Production- S USA A pilotmouse PK Ena
46 35.07 63.8089 Gustav Hellsing Production- - USA U Dala mp
47 30.87 56.1673 Anders Thustrup Production- - SWE U abthustrup Ystads DSKF
48 24.10 43.8582 Lars Eriksson Production- S SWE U lars IPSC BOPS
49 22.64 41.1949 Maria Behrmann Production- - SWE U maria Ystads DSKF
50 21.05 38.3015 Andre Uppström Production- - SWE U Bops
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