First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 947.0299 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK - ibenforth SSIN
2 74.48 705.3337 Kenneth Kleist Production- S DNK - SSIN / SKL
3 67.81 642.2085 Mikkel Schulz Production- - DNK - SSIN
4 66.97 634.2561 Ayram Shine Production- L DNK - SAS skytteklub
5 66.56 630.3526 Søren Sparvath Production- - DNK - sparvath Nykøbing Sj.
6 62.52 592.0686 Victor Herstad Production- - DNK - SSIN/HSF Falcon
7 62.05 587.6237 Theis Nielsen Production- - DNK - SKL
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