First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 272.1627 Sebastian Czichy Production Optics- - DEU U Grindel
2 97.55 265.4920 Simon Tendick Production Optics- - DEU U dorn Grindel
3 85.68 233.1893 Niklas Schwandt Production Optics- - DEU U Grindel
4 75.20 204.6744 Harald Leidereiter Production Optics- S DEU U tomcat SSV Rurtal
5 71.89 195.6636 David Hamann Production Optics- - DEU U 7HGC
6 71.62 194.9140 Ralf Mayer Production Optics- S DEU U AHRMS Rheinland
7 70.31 191.3655 Michael Keifenheim Production Optics- - DEU U 7HGC
8 68.30 185.8747 Lucas-Janosch Reiß Production Optics- - DEU U 7hgc
9 57.84 157.4076 Christian Scholz Production Optics- S DEU U Silverado Vorderlader- und Sportschützen 1990 e.V.
10 51.45 140.0304 Christian Weiler Production Optics- - DEU U 7hgc
11 49.68 135.2179 Paul Lüdecke Production Optics- - DEU U SBGC
12 49.21 133.9188 Hubert Wolf Production Optics- SS DEU U
13 48.67 132.4581 Kurt Evers Production Optics- SS DEU U Ssf-Lennestadt
14 46.60 126.8308 Sebastian Messner Production Optics- - DEU U SSC EOF
15 37.48 102.0150 Boris Dr. Kötting Production Optics- S DEU U 5-010 Ahrms
16 26.55 72.2586 Johann Ertel Production Optics- - DEU U Ssf-Lennestadt
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