First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 360.0000 Mats O. Bäckström Standard+ - SWE U dalmas4 MSG
2 85.28 307.0086 Per Wiklander Standard- - SWE U lykantrop Ystad
3 59.69 214.8674 Rasmus Saxild Standard- - DNK U MSG
4 58.20 209.5023 Timm Vahamaki Standard- - SWE U inox MSG
5 55.88 201.1586 Tariq Mahmud Standard- - SWE U check75pk MSG
6 47.51 171.0412 Mats Ahlqvist Standard- - SWE U matti MSG
7 43.27 155.7594 Gert Hellström Standard+ S SWE U olex IPSC Malmö
8 38.36 138.0790 Andreas Kräling Standard- - SWE B glock999 MSG
9 27.63 99.4567 Tomas Schönfeldt Standard+ - SWE U caballarius MSG
10 25.89 93.1877 Jan Leth-Espensen Standard- S DNK U MSG
11 18.51 66.6423 Robin Orava Standard- - SWE U alias MSG
12 0.00 0.0000 Thomas Pihl Standard+ - SWE U pihl Malmö
13 0.00 0.0000 Roberth Lergeborg Standard- - SWE U epsbob MSG
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