First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 753.7463 Pieter Burger Open+ - ZAF U GC
2 97.64 735.9539 Mohammed Fareed Fakie Custom- - ZWE A fakie Nwpsa
3 97.29 733.3317 Mo Osman Open+ - ZWE U BASSC
4 96.92 730.5201 Mat Da Silva Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE U Spartan
5 96.76 729.3110 Kenny Van Der Merwe Pistol Caliber Carbine+ SS ZAF A Golden City
6 95.67 721.1384 Demis Karamitsos Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE U Spartanarms
7 94.45 711.8768 Frans Pieterse Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE B french Golden City
8 93.30 703.2826 Deon Potgieter Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U Golden City
9 91.34 688.4943 Mohammed Fareed Fakie Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE A fakie Nwpsa
10 88.87 669.8641 Jason Coetzee Open+ - ZAF B jayman Golden City
11 86.74 653.8175 Warren Bonheim Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U Golden City
12 85.50 644.4672 Johan Otto Production- J ZWE A otter Wolwehoek
13 85.17 641.9323 Goolam Dadamia Open+ SS ZWE A Snipers Practical Shooting Club
14 85.16 641.9080 Wanda Zama Production Optics- - ZWE A blackcross PERPC
15 84.24 634.9303 Grant Chancellor-Maddison Production- - ZWE U Spartan Arms
16 84.22 634.7972 Herman Potgieter Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE U harrycane Golden City
17 83.95 632.7845 Dimitri Paparas Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE U Spartan
18 82.77 623.8723 Dewald Brits Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
19 82.24 619.9033 Eugene Jonker Production Optics- - ZWE U Spartan Arms
20 81.78 616.3832 Theo Papadimitriou Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE U
21 81.41 613.6106 Kenny Van Der Merwe Open+ SS ZAF A Golden City
22 80.32 605.4165 Pieter Bouwer Open+ S ZAF A pieter Golden City
23 78.61 592.4914 Neelesh Dullabh Open+ S ZAF B golden city
24 77.55 584.5324 Asgar Ally Fakie Custom- S ZWE C fakie Nwpsa
25 76.51 576.6813 Ebrahim Asvat Open+ S ZWE U ZWE
26 76.16 574.0814 Jan Harm Jacobs Production Optics- S ZAF B Golden City
27 76.01 572.9274 Zunaid Solomon Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE C Sporting
28 75.46 568.8052 Lehan Potgieter Production- SJ ZWE U minicane Golden City
29 75.40 568.3162 Rahul Dullabh Open+ - ZAF B golden city
30 74.96 565.0196 Carlo Belletti Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
31 74.46 561.2564 Pravesh Magan Open+ - ZAF B Golden City
32 73.32 552.6476 Billy Pieterse Pistol Caliber Carbine- SS ZAF U billy Golden City
33 73.26 552.1817 Deveash Jivan Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden City
34 71.59 539.6299 Asgar Ally Fakie Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE C fakie Nwpsa
35 71.48 538.7508 Fanie Otto Standard+ S ZWE B Wolwehoek Shooting Club
36 71.36 537.8801 Joel Cohen Open+ SS ZAF A Golden City
37 71.17 536.4291 Claudio Massella Open+ S ZAF C Roodepoort
38 70.47 531.1345 Shahiem Mohamed Open+ - ZWE A Snipers
39 69.47 523.5903 Larry Class Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZAF M Golden City
40 69.43 523.3058 Ebrahim Asvat Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE U ZWE
41 69.13 521.0507 Peter Lindstrom Production Optics- S ZWE U pistolpete PE
42 68.74 518.1259 James Selwyn Vaughan Open+ SS ZAF B jimv RPSC
43 68.60 517.0422 Coert Erasmus Pistol Caliber Carbine- SS ZAF U Golden City
44 68.54 516.5856 Wyn Robertson Production Optics- S ZAF U win Golden city
45 68.06 513.0134 Omarjee Imtiaz Open+ SS ZWE C omarjee Snipers Practical Shooting Club
46 65.41 493.0186 Aike Baars Production- - ZAF U Golden City
47 65.38 492.8026 Minette Burger Open+ L ZAF U Golden City
48 65.27 491.9812 Brad Henstock Production Optics- S ZWE U brad Golden City
49 64.45 485.8239 Andy Charalambous Standard+ SS ZWE U Spartan Arms
50 64.43 485.6065 Michael Zervogiannis Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE U Vtpsa
51 63.74 480.4231 Gideon Carstens Production- - ZAF B kassie CG3847
52 63.48 478.5011 Davey Gate Production- - ZWE U gamer Golden City
53 63.35 477.5001 Keagan Salt Production- - ZAF U Golden City
54 62.47 470.8579 Christopher Hanscombe Production Optics- - ZAF U Gc
55 62.42 470.5169 Ronel Barter Open+ S ZAF B Golden City
56 62.22 468.9719 Wayne Hammond Custom- SS ZAF A rogue Golden City
57 60.14 453.3224 Clive Pedersen Open+ SS ZAF B Golden City
58 58.89 443.8489 Coert Erasmus Production Optics- SS ZAF U Golden City
59 58.55 441.3330 Etienne Opperman Standard+ - ZAF U etienne Golden City
60 58.54 441.2294 Wayne Hammond Production- SS ZAF A rogue Golden City
61 58.43 440.3941 Wouter Louw Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZAF U Golden City
62 57.12 430.5166 Martin Lowe Open+ SS ZAF U Roodepoort
63 55.69 419.7531 Kevin Trollip Production Optics- S ZAF C GCPSC
64 55.68 419.6563 Johan Swanepoel Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZAF U RPSC
65 55.27 416.5863 Nick Wesley Smuts Standard- S ZAF C CG1278
66 53.68 404.6174 Gafoor Hoosein Classic- - ZAF U gaff Golden City
67 53.63 404.2025 Fuaad Mohamed Open+ - ZWE A Snipers
68 52.49 395.6196 Glen Kruger Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden city
69 52.42 395.0934 Ivan Babachev Production- - ZAF U babayaga Golden City
70 52.06 392.3866 Zunaid Solomon Open+ S ZWE C Sporting
71 51.43 387.6589 Fayyaadh Ahmed Standard- - ZWE U Sporting
72 50.90 383.6621 Graham Donald Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
73 50.34 379.4050 Shyam Jagwanth Production- S ZAF C Golden City
74 49.49 373.0167 Nazier Mohamed Open+ S ZWE A SNIPERS Preactical Shooting Club
75 49.29 371.4994 Bashier Bhayat Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE C Sporting shooting club
76 48.51 365.6180 Keith Askham Open+ SS ZAF C jetjungle Golden City
77 47.84 360.5811 Bashier Bhayat Production- - ZWE C Sporting shooting club
78 47.22 355.8950 Mark Hammond Classic- S ZAF U GC
79 46.78 352.6250 Derick Van Den Berg Standard- - ZAF U golden city
80 46.42 349.9080 Bardev Rowjee Open- SS ZAF C Golden City Shooting Club
81 46.35 349.3421 Etienne Francois Bekker Standard- SS ZAF U golden city
82 45.59 343.6404 Mozzy Delpeche Standard+ S ZWE U Vereeniging Practical Shooting Club
83 45.39 342.1179 Connor Trollip Production Optics- J ZAF U GCPSC
84 45.35 341.8194 Steven Barrett Standard- S ZAF U Golden City
85 44.57 335.9644 Moses Klassen Open- J ZWE U Snipers
86 43.40 327.1607 Nicky Klacar Production- L ZAF U Golden City
87 42.68 321.7112 Enver Tim Standard+ SS ZAF U golden city
88 42.65 321.4968 Albert Ludick Production- - ZAF U Golden City
89 42.54 320.6632 Ryan Swanepoel Production- J ZAF U ryan RPSC
90 42.09 317.2839 Peter Holmes Production- SS ZWE C pistol Wattlesprings
91 41.22 310.7177 Mohamed Zaheed Moosa Open+ SS ZWE U Snipers
92 40.09 302.2049 Duane Wessels Production- - ZAF U Golden City 6046
93 39.92 300.9244 Yasvant Ramjee Open- SS ZAF C GOLDEN CITY
94 38.96 293.6827 Essop Mohamed Custom+ SS ZWE U SNIPERS
95 37.76 284.5819 Mark Leong Classic+ S ZAF U Golden City
96 37.34 281.4802 Brent Africa Production- S ZAF U Golden City
97 35.00 263.8267 Carl Pieterse Standard+ - USA U Vt
98 33.10 249.5181 Alwyn Gard Standard- J ZWE C Snipers
99 28.95 218.1849 Ally Hassen Open- SS ZAF U Golden City Shooting Club
100 28.66 216.0327 Johan Venter Production- - ZWE U Spartan Arms
101 24.91 187.7219 Beverly Pancoust Production- L ZAF U Golden City 6057
102 24.90 187.6716 Bruce Di Zhang Open+ - ZAF U CG4203
103 23.03 173.5671 Mohamed Hosain Hoosein Standard- S ZAF U Golden City
104 20.99 158.2245 Danny Zhang Open+ - ZAF U Golden city
105 15.84 119.4155 Ashwin De Koker Standard- - ZWE U Snipers Practical Shooting Club
106 15.57 117.3820 Bashier Daniels Standard- - ZWE U Snipers
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