First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 695.2570 Arni Kjartansson Production Optics- - DNK - CPS/SSIN
2 91.14 633.6358 Christian Sønderup Production Optics- S DNK - christians SSIN
3 87.88 611.0197 Christian Bagger Production Optics- S DNK - bagger SSIN
4 84.94 590.5826 Anders Urban Production Optics- - DNK - urbanlegend SAS
5 73.40 510.2847 Kenneth Kleist Production Optics- S DNK - SSIN / SKL
6 72.92 506.9963 Michael Alexand Schou Production Optics- - USA -
7 54.75 380.6645 Thomas Uncas Thorgrimson Production Optics- - DNK - Værløse Skytteforening
8 53.12 369.2859 kim poulsen Production Optics- S DNK - CPS / FSL / KSL
9 41.95 291.6810 Peter Herstad Production Optics- - DNK - herstad
10 33.64 233.9099 Mikal Hjortby Production Optics- - DNK - SSIN
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