results for Romjulssmellen 2013, Level 2

Open Standard Production Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 250.3920 Lars Flugstad Production- - NOR U larsflugstad ASK
2 97.44 243.9942 Olav Soldal Production- - NOR U ASK
3 91.72 229.6592 Jan Victor Foss Production- - NOR U ASK
4 90.53 226.6880 John Sørbo Production- - NOR C joso ASK
5 68.44 171.3713 Johan Røneid Production- S NOR U ASK
6 66.34 166.1067 Harald Bakke Standard- S NOR U Asker skyteklubb
7 60.53 151.5735 ruben sandnes Production- S NOR U mrrubzz Asker
8 48.41 121.2082 Kjetil Braa Oksavik Open- - NOR U Asker skyteklubb
9 45.17 113.1137 Eric Hjelseth Production- - NOR U Norske Officerers Pistolklub
10 40.91 102.4368 Waqas Zaman Production- - NOR U HOK
11 28.73 71.9366 Fredrik Justad Production- - NOR U justad Ask
12 0.00 0.0000 Skule Bjarkli Open- - NOR U
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