First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 634.7515 Fredrik Wildemo Production- - SWE U fredwild STHLM M&P
2 84.76 538.0077 Clas Öhman Production- - SWE U clisse Tyresö SKF
3 84.63 537.2156 Mikael Agnebo Production- - SWE U mikagn VDS
4 80.70 512.2462 Jiro Nihei Production- - SWE U zatoichi LVF
5 79.20 502.7155 Kenneth Karlsson Production- - SWE U knet SSK
6 77.91 494.5264 Per-Erik Hessling Production- - SWE U VDS
7 73.81 468.4974 Joakim Classon Production- - SWE U glockproduction Södertäljepolisens skytteförening
8 73.03 463.5691 Niclas Dal Production- - SWE U nickeklick Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
9 69.44 440.7888 Peter Burnert Production- - SWE U peter1500 Salems PK
10 67.23 426.7502 Andreas Bagoly Production- - SWE U baggen Stockholm M&P
11 65.85 417.9620 Torkel Persson Production- - SWE U mrdae Södertörns SK
12 63.89 405.5143 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick Södertörns SK
13 63.70 404.3056 Stilianos Simeonidis Production- - SWE U odysseus Lvf
14 61.95 393.2457 Ted Åhlénius Production- - SWE U ted Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
15 61.90 392.9348 Anders NotKnown Production- - SWE U hansson1977 SPSF
16 60.26 382.4986 Andreas Persson Production- - SWE U apersson88 SPSF
17 59.63 378.4933 Sam Garpensund Production- - SWE U gsam Stockholm M&P
18 58.58 371.8204 Mattias Borgelin Production- - SWE U cazorp Stockholm LVF
19 57.77 366.7075 Janne Horn Production- - SWE U gsxswe Nyköping DS
20 56.61 359.3570 Anna Sjögren Production- L SWE U aviator BBSKF
21 55.99 355.3792 Magnus Granath Production- - SWE U granath SPSF
22 54.55 346.2746 Joakim Sjöberg Production- - SWE U joalex Oxelösunds Dynamiska Skyttar
23 54.40 345.2786 Jon Granath Production- - SWE U granath Stockholm LVF
24 54.22 344.1857 Oscar von Schultz Production- - SWE U LVF
25 53.54 339.8342 Jonathan Norgren Production- - SWE U LVF
26 53.26 338.0525 Christian Swedeborg Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
27 53.15 337.3417 Adam Goding Production- - SWE U adampadam Tyresö SKF
28 52.87 335.5708 John Johansson Production- - SWE U VDS
29 52.82 335.2663 Gabriel Lind Production- - SWE U gabbe LVF
30 52.27 331.7973 Robin Bergdahl Production- - SWE U robinb GuDs
31 51.12 324.4869 Erland Gunnarsson Production- - SWE U famousgrouse Lvf
32 50.84 322.7144 Oscar Lindqvist Production- - SWE D dumle Oxelösunds PK
33 49.86 316.4905 Yuri Tsykhotsky Production- - SWE D yshark Atlas Copco Pistolskytteklubb
34 48.60 308.4748 Jonas Kedland Production- - SWE U elevenmike VDS
35 48.39 307.1643 Jonas Alm Production- - SWE U jonas Salems PK
36 47.63 302.3120 Felix Andersson Production- - SWE U Stockholms FBU-förbunds Skytteförening
37 47.22 299.7229 Anders Hedvalls Production- S SWE U Stockholms LVF
38 46.54 295.4154 Dennis Eriksson Production- - SWE U Salems PK
39 46.46 294.9235 Peter Stavling Production- S SWE U peter997s LVF
40 46.26 293.6577 David Mandelin Production- - SWE U davman Södertörns SK
41 45.12 286.4241 Fredrik Ohlén Production- - SWE U kungsholmen Stockholms Militära & Polisiära Skytteförening
42 44.97 285.4435 Johan Hansén Production- - SWE U lappen LVF
43 44.38 281.6856 Jonas Hagström Production- - SWE U SPSF
44 44.28 281.0850 Håkan Stors Production- - SWE U FBU skytteföreningen
45 42.60 270.3789 Stellan Forthmeijer Production- - SWE U badhabit BBSKF
46 41.11 260.9727 Christoffer Malmström Production- - SWE U krk LVF
47 40.57 257.5141 Luis Soler Production- - SWE U luyazami Södertörns SK
48 39.26 249.1938 Anders Severinsson Production- - SWE U seve Stockholms LFV
49 38.58 244.9011 Johan Löfgren Production- - SWE U Stockholms försvarsutbildares skf
50 38.40 243.7220 Stefan Brostedt Production- - SWE U SES
51 34.78 220.7531 Layth Garabet Production- - SWE U Grödinge psk
52 33.57 213.0891 Kristian Jansson Production- - SWE U kristian SPSF
53 33.12 210.2382 Lina Johansson Production- L SWE U lemonheed SPSF
54 31.65 200.9176 Jim Berglund Production- S SWE U yamakomori NLTPSK
55 30.56 193.9690 Frida Holmkvist Production- L SWE D kakan Stockholms försvarsutbildares skytteförening
56 30.27 192.1556 Johan Heidenfors Production- - SWE U johhei Salems PK
57 25.37 161.0518 Kevin Perback Production- - SWE U Stockholms försvarsutbildares skf
58 24.00 152.3119 Henrik Stranne Production- - SWE U stranne Stockholms försvarsutbildares skf
59 22.58 143.3081 Patrik Grönfelt Production- S SWE U korning Oxelösunds Dynamiska Skyttar
60 13.16 83.5042 Robert Westerberg Production- S SWE U Försvarsutbildarna Stockholms Skytteförening
61 12.19 77.3838 Johan Bergh Production- - SWE U Skytteforeningen
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