First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1076.1503 Odd Strengenes Standard- S NOR - oddman HPS
2 97.93 1053.9255 Jostein Jacobsen Standard+ S NOR - jjtattoo SSL
3 96.85 1042.2116 Bjarte Drange Standard+ S NOR - NHPK
4 93.92 1010.7698 Kent Westerlund Standard+ S SWE - kwesen Klinte SKG
5 85.25 917.4628 Ronny Røise Standard- S NOR - bigwolf GPK
6 80.24 863.5156 Ronny Andreassen Standard+ S SWE - matrix99 SPSF
7 78.09 840.4091 Karl Torkildsen Standard- S NOR - karl Trondheim Feltskyttere
8 77.12 829.9570 Hans Martin Ese Standard- S NOR - hansa Bergen Spotskytterklubb, BSK
9 76.10 818.9752 Morten Augensen Standard+ S NOR - Narvik Praktiske skyttere
10 68.31 735.1472 Per Inge Jacobsen Standard+ S NOR - HPI
11 54.36 585.0181 Rune Lillerust Standard- S NOR - rusten SFS
12 42.92 461.8435 Örjan Johansson Standard- S SWE - rappen KSKG
13 25.44 273.7531 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- S NOR - rhb NVS
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