First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 578.0733 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
2 99.83 577.0940 Greger Kontojoki Production- - SWE U MSG
3 99.51 575.2508 Jens Lundholm Production- - SWE U ÖPK
4 98.49 569.3629 Klas Ekegren Production- - SWE U oaken MSG
5 98.08 566.9854 Magnus Lindskog Production- - SWE U messer MSG
6 79.09 457.1834 Eddie Karlsson Production- - SWE U silverjoker MSG
7 77.22 446.3759 Magnus Olsson Production- - SWE U mrm MSG
8 67.90 392.4847 Daniel Larsson Production- - SWE U swedan MSG
9 54.87 317.1632 Bertil Nilsson Production- SS SWE U grinchen MSG
10 53.50 309.2781 Kristina Nilsson Production- L SWE U slowfox MSG
11 45.90 265.3613 Jacob Damm Production- - SWE U Österlens PK
12 44.75 258.6707 Mikael Olofsson Production- S SWE U oet MSG
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