First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 885.0630 Peter Kastell Production- - SWE U kastell TPK
2 99.69 882.3302 Odd Strengenes Production- - NOR U oddman Hamar Praktiske Skyttere
3 91.58 810.5241 Robert Engh Production- - CAN U fang Abbotsford Fish and Game
4 87.55 774.8354 Robert Börjesson Production- - SWE U rob79 GPIF
5 85.80 759.3473 Magnus Abelsson Production- - SWE U arbsys VSD
6 85.62 757.7562 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick Södertörns SK
7 85.34 755.3555 Tor Ketil Krogh Olsen Production- - NOR U torpompido HPS
8 84.25 745.6271 Thomas Nordvi Production- - NOR U tnor LOP
9 82.67 731.6618 Andreas Johansson Production- - SWE U bossetiger HPK/GDS
10 81.97 725.4772 Trond Gustavsen Production- - NOR U gusse HPK
11 78.73 696.8105 Espen Birketvedt Production- - NOR U eppesen Kristiansand Garnisons Pistolklubb
12 76.25 674.9029 Simen Amundsen Production- - NOR U siam LOP
13 75.96 672.3052 Tony Wendelklint Production- - SWE U klintan GPIF
14 75.56 668.7358 Tomas Ainebeck Production- - SWE U aimbush GPIF
15 74.71 661.2564 Ove Jonny Skundberg Production- - NOR B ojs Hamar Praktiske Skyttere
16 74.10 655.8599 Cecilia Lindberg Production- L SWE U chitchi GPIF
17 72.70 643.4445 Espen Skancke Fiskebeck Production- - NOR U esp1 HPS
18 72.68 643.2900 Truls Lindskog Production- - NOR U lindskog Vikane Skydeselskap
19 70.83 626.8827 Njål Ladstein Production- - NOR U njalad OKTS
20 69.12 611.7834 Mads Amundsen Production- - NOR C madam LOP
21 68.31 604.5721 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- - NOR C joakimgr BPK
22 67.57 598.0622 John Willy Jakobsen Production- - NOR U Bergen Pistolklubb
23 67.11 594.0090 Folke Myrvang Production- S NOR U NOP
24 66.63 589.7473 Bjørn Greve Production- - NOR U grevens SSH
25 66.49 588.4439 Goran Radanovic Production- - NOR U Moss PK
26 64.92 574.5680 Lars Elden Production- - NOR U NOP
27 64.48 570.6599 Per Munk Production- - DNK U spunk SSIN
28 63.69 563.6910 Lars Flugstad Production- - NOR C larsflugstad ASK
29 63.07 558.1715 Henrik Dahlen Production- - NOR U Ringerike PK
30 61.70 546.0914 Inge Wold Production- - NOR U invaderzim LOP
31 60.99 539.7962 Gaute Hagen Production- - NOR D LOP
32 60.82 538.2938 Knut Harald Graven Production- - NOR U OKTS
33 60.64 536.6987 Olav Soldal Production- - NOR C soldal ASK
34 60.59 536.2938 Rune Wilhelmsen Production- - NOR U ricwilh LSP
35 58.73 519.8124 Ulf Larsson Production- - SWE U gaisakefeskeboxa HPK-GDS
36 58.42 517.0690 John Sørbo Production- - NOR C joso ASK
37 58.08 514.0021 Jan Dale Production- - NOR U doodlebug Moss PK
38 58.02 513.4886 Tore Haugli Production- - NOR U thaugli ASK
39 57.89 512.3422 Joakim Ekman Production- - SWE U coltjocke Roslagenspistolskyttar
40 57.86 512.0621 Svein Arild Frøshaug Production- - NOR U DSSA
41 57.80 511.5452 Knut R. Beito Production- - NOR U GPK
42 57.27 506.8986 Geir-Ove Tallakstad Riis Production- - NOR U Farrissportsskyttere
43 56.83 502.9886 Tom Karlsen Production- - NOR C ekjekk HPS
44 56.55 500.4677 Jan-Inge Markerud Production- - NOR U dubiousq OKTS
45 56.38 499.0371 Torbjørn Kvande Production- - NOR U Kristiansund Dynamiske Sportsskyttere
46 56.28 498.1544 Hugo M Hansen Production- - NOR U doubleh Setermoen
47 55.70 493.0025 Jonas Forslund Production- - SWE U Skepplanda SPF
48 55.35 489.8410 Sivert Berg Production- - NOR U Trondheim Feltskyttere
49 55.29 489.3221 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- - NOR U Stavanger SSL
50 55.23 488.8187 Bjørn Tore Kristiansen Production- - NOR U borne Setermoen Sportsskytterklubb
51 54.73 484.3925 Johan Sand Production- - NOR U nljsand Vikane SS
52 54.59 483.1488 Øivind Johnsen Production- S NOR C ojoh Moss PK
53 54.34 480.9325 Roy Thorud Production- - NOR C roytho NOP
54 54.32 480.7652 Luis Soler Production- - SWE U luyazami Södertörns SK
55 54.21 479.8310 Jørn Nergård Production- - NOR U formann LOP
56 53.36 472.2979 Christian Moe Production- - NOR U mrmirage Farris Sportsskyttere
57 53.35 472.1960 Knut Øystein Bilden Production- S NOR U knutte62 LOP
58 52.43 464.0031 Geir Jørgensen Production- - NOR U Salten dynamiske sportsskyttere
59 52.42 463.9928 Roger Feed Production- - NOR U HOP
60 52.08 460.9823 Johan Dahl Production- - SWE U afdahl VSD
61 51.96 459.8545 Frank Tidemann Production- - NOR U frankofobia SSL
62 51.62 456.8932 Mats Gran Hansen Production- - NOR U alarion Dssa
63 50.94 450.8394 Rebecca Flugstad Production- L NOR C rebeccafl ASK
64 50.65 448.2954 Arne Magnus Hunstad Production- - NOR U Gjøvik pistolklubb
65 50.47 446.6636 Erik Lundbakken Production- - NOR U Lågen praktiske
66 49.34 436.6683 Trond Sigurd Vik Production- - NOR U DSSA
67 47.56 420.9681 Jim K Nilsen Production- - NOR U SPK
68 47.04 416.3350 Ivar Bredesen Production- - NOR U HOP
69 46.83 414.5186 Snorre Øien Production- - NOR U shybert VPS
70 46.30 409.8211 Eystein Leren Production- - NOR U
71 45.93 406.4660 Terje With Lunndal Production- - NOR U Salten Dynamiske Sportsskyttere
72 45.82 405.5163 Palle Sørensen Production- - NOR U panzerpalle L.o.p.
73 44.79 396.4322 Christian Køhler Production- - NOR U Farris Sportsskyttere
74 44.34 392.4792 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production- - NOR U moyesman Trondheim Feltskyttere
75 43.90 388.5194 thomas skauen Production- - NOR U DSSA
76 43.63 386.1330 Vinjar Bjerkan Production- - NOR U rpk
77 43.50 384.9986 simen Lundbakken Production- - NOR U lss
78 43.48 384.8176 Trond Sørhøy Production- - NOR U tronds Trondheim Feltskyttere
79 43.12 381.5986 Olaf Isaksen Production- S NOR U fatchance Kristiansund Dynamiske Sportsskyttere
80 43.01 380.7000 Jon Petter Nilsen Production- - NOR U Farrissportsskyttere
81 38.61 341.7525 Sverre Johan Enghaug Production- - NOR U Moss pk
82 35.53 314.4755 Erik Andre Pedersen Production- - NOR U kireolo
83 32.20 285.0086 Torbjørn Hatlestad Production- - NOR U Bergen sportskytterklubb
84 30.97 274.0779 Andreas Sælsbråten Production- - NOR U DSSA
85 26.29 232.6860 Harald Hansen Production- - NOR U Horten og Omegn Pistolklubb
86 21.80 192.9383 Malin Nordin Production- L SWE U Västsvenska Dynamiker
87 21.61 191.2535 Johanne Aspaas Production- L NOR U johanne OKTS
88 18.26 161.5965 Espen Opstad Production- - NOR U nukem TOP
89 8.44 74.6997 Erik Lindström Production- - SWE U orca VSD
90 0.00 0.0000 Freddie Thörn Production- - NOR U boxen Sarpsborg pistolklubb
91 0.00 0.0000 Dariusz Kowalczyk Production- - NOR U SSL
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