results for Long Course Mania 3

Open Standard Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 812.1224 Ola Carlsson Open - SWE U ola944 ÖPK
2 87.92 714.0084 Robert Söderström Standard - SWE U dvc73 MSG
3 82.54 670.3439 Martin Johansson Standard S SWE U MSG
4 79.85 648.4648 Örjan Lindgren Standard - SWE U banarne357 MSG
5 72.53 589.0065 Sofia Dohmen Standard L SWE U sofia MSG
6 51.52 418.4216 Anders Zander Standard - SWE U masterwelder MSG
7 36.03 292.5983 Peter Andersen Standard S SWE U MSG
8 34.23 277.9959 Calle Liljeholm Standard - SWE U MSG
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